>Your cunt
>How do you cope?
Your cunt
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why yes I am white, how could you tell?
By fucking white bitches with blue eyes
Have sex.
I don't. I'm in a constant state of rage and seethingness
my eyes are green so I don’t have to
i envy you
I have light blue eyes so I cope by being the masterrace.
What eye colour did your parents have? My father has blue eyes and my mother green eyes, but my paternal grandmother was cursed with brown eyes so I inherited them from her.
A-at least I carry the blue-eyes genes r-right? I'm not a c-complete nigger?
>Don't have brown eyes so no need to cope
i mean you're even more unlucky living in lithuania. most people here are nonwhite but you have to meet the gaze of dozens of beautiful eyes on a single casual stroll, absolutely brutal, i would not leave the basement in your situation, i hardly do now.
My mom had blue eyes, while my dad had brown.
It's worth mentioning that my father's mother had cyan eys, and so does my uncle. I really got unlucky
>Dad has brown eyes
>Mom has blue eyes
>End up with brown eyes
>All my siblings have blue or hazel
What the fuck
By being better
I have hazel, they're not any better.
wow you're very unlucky man. green eyed people carry the brown eye gene so it expressed in you, but if your dad has blue eyes you can actually have blue/green eyed children. both my parents are green eyed but gave me their dark eye gene so i'm literally equal to any shitskin in terms of eye color genes, i literally cannot produce white offspring. that's why i've decided not to procreate not that i would be able to anyway
not with that hair colour iki
>tfw dark grey eyes
>implying iki is that white
How do i cope with what?
>inb4 eye color
Let me show you the board for you
better than brown senpai
wait, do real pictures of him actually exist?
don't think so but i imagine him as very brown
Not very based
Im not iki
Like Mine?
I literally refuse to procreate with a non-blue eyed woman, and if the offspring doesn't have blue yes, I'll try again to have at least ONE child with blue eyes.
Yeah, see
i refuse the procreate all together. these genes must die
very based indeed, fellow shiteye. I hope more shiteyes can put their emotions aside and address the objective facts of their inferiority and realize that abstaining from procreation will prevent future suffering
You cope once you realize you are trash. My ex literally told me how his new bf's eyes were beautiful because they were green.
From now and then you just cope knowing that a) women are trash b) you can't do anything.
Yeah no, I'm afraid I'm not that autistic.
Don't worry you'll never lose your virginity, let alone have a wife and children.
i sometimes like to think that the tears will wash the melanin away.
>My ex literally told me how his new bf's eyes were beautiful because they were green.
Let me show you the board for you
I also suck at english
her new bf's*
I always write the next noun's gender in those cases
that goes away after a few hundred hours
If a part so little of the human body makes you feel so bad about yourself you have a big problem and should go to a psychologist.
Seriously, the human body has so many things that you shouldn't bother with a little detail.
>inb4 you have shit eyes haha you cope blah blah
Ok, I know that brown eyes are not as liked as lighter eyes, but I have more things to offer than the colour of my eyes so it doesn't bother me.
do you have a cute butt then
Gib brown eyed Spanish girlfriend.
the eyes are a very important part of the body. they are central to communication, it's the first thing babies learn to pay attention to. they are the biggest visual factor in the most human thing there is - social relations. and instead of having beautiful jewels as eyes you have puddles of liquid shit
Yeah, I'm extremely white by Jow Forums standards. Yet, I'm a 24yo khv. Looks aren't everything. No, I'm not a hateful racist, just mentaly ill.
My other eye is blue so I pretend I’m above fully brown eyed third worlders
just wear an eye patch
>tfw light eyes
>tfw mongoloid skull
no way
>Brown eyes
>Neanderthal skull
>Short stature
>Dark skin
Just fuck my shit up
Blue eyed men look weak and blue eyed women look soulless, what's so special about them?
Is not that looks aren't everything (which is truth, they aren't everything) is that even then eyes are a very tiny part of your looks.
Many people care about eyes a lot, for example my crush liked light eyes a lot and now has a bf with grey eyes and I'm fucking alone but what I tell you is that if the option is obsessing over that everyone care a fucking lot about it or accepting the truth that some people like them a lot, some people don't, some people prefer something one way and some another and I just had bad luck this time I'm going to be happier.
There's even a study that says that women prefer brown eyes: glamour.com
So seriously, don't waste your time obsessing over a tiny detail, improve yourself as much as you can and be a nice person, much better.
A Bulgarian guy in my faculty got a gf, and in my faculty there are like 5% women because it's the one where IT and telecom guys study, so man just come here.
Well I work out and have a respectable deadlift and a shittier squat but I guess that's better than most men.
That's probably good, heterochromia is a very exotic and rare trait so it's probable than someone will love it.
Come home Finnish man
by not being an incel freak
Stop it user, take pride in your history and culture. Work to improve yourself and your nation. This self hate will get you nowhere.
I'm turkic.
but i don't like my nation either...
no, those are just your insecurities and coping mechanisms
>being such a fucking autist you're proud/ashamed of the color of your eyes
oh no no no no
i recommend moving to canada, it's a great place for subhumans like you and me
Great advice here.
>subhumans believe eye color is more important than shape
speak for yourself lad
i like my eyes quite
>just come here
Easier said than done. I have a job here so i could only come when i am taking my vacation.
Based and Dogpilled.
4chen normies think blue eyes > Hunter eyes
You lack this form of autism where you blame your failures on some physical feature and instead embrace yourself, which is healthy
Nobody wants to hang out with some annoying sperg who obsesses over eye color, that’s your actual problem
i don't even give a fuck anymore, i'm beyond blackpilled. this is the only way i know how to pass the time, it's the only way i can get (You)'s
>got the brown-eyed gene
>got the 30yo-baldy gene
Are these genes more "dominant" in general? got both from the same grandpa.
this, imagine boasting about an eye colour
eyes are beautiful only if they are part of a beautiful face, and there are more important things in life than eyes
I have a similar color but a bit lighter, don't even know if they are grey, green or blue
"cope" is a scream of defeat
My mother has green eyes and my grandmother has blue eyes. There's no coping for me just seething because my father has brown eyes.
Same :(
Blond hair brown eyes
I have the blue eye gene tough
I hate my eye color
Atleast you're blonde.
I have some sort of mutant hair colour that in some enviroments look almost blonde, while in others look dark
I have blond leg hair and beard really strange
>itt barbarian subhumans
Drink tea, decorate my room with lights and flowers, open the window and let in the fresh air, clean my room so I don't feel disgusting.
Arbeit macht frei.
Imagine having any other eye colour than blue and calling yourself white