was it rape or nah?
Was it rape or nah?
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It was.
It was but its okay
>you don't want to say no
>gets on top of you while you say "no, no"
>because yo do like him
if the foreplay was better she wouldnt regret it. she let herself get fucked in hopes it would turn better but ir didnt and now she thiks she was raped because it didnt go like she was expecting
>muh feminism
suck my cock dude thanks god im gay
Yes, that is rape. She said no.
>It was rape but there's nothing wrong with that
It was rape.
Now that's what I call based
Indeed rape
Who tf cares lol
the fuck board is that
>You say no
>He does it anyway
fairly obvious really
who gives a shit my man here SLAYED the puss
Why was she naked? How could he put his dick inside her so quickly and effortlessly if she wasn't naked? How the fuck is a guy supposed to win if a girl literally gets naked and gets into it but won't firmly put her foot down when he's going to far. Just fucking say stop or don't let it even get close to that point in the first place.
In all seriousness: no.
She didn't say anything
>she let herself get fucked in hopes it would turn better but ir didnt and now she thiks she was raped because it didnt go like she was expecting
I think this is what 90% of these ambiguous consent stories come down to. She was reluctantly consenting at the time.
>if she removes the consent she gave during the middle of sex because she wasnt enjoying it you can possibly go to jail for rape
i feel legit sorry for straight men
>no means no!
that's not a problem if you never have sex
being an asian dude means no lol
Technically yes
but we should really have varying degrees in our rape law, the guy here was retarded and definitely should have been paying attention to whether the girl wanted it or not, but that's very different from violent rape.
Was the guy in the wrong? Yes. Criminally so, technically yes, but putting someone in jail for this is clearly an overreaction. Should the girl have been more assertive and less autistic: also yes, but lets not pretend we're much better.
also is this crystal cafe?
t. rapist
If you're that timid that you let some soyboy you're dating strip you naked, finger you, and stick his dick inside all the while only being able to muster up a feeble "no....no...." then you deserve to be raped.
this is now a crystal cafe screencap thread
>You are with a guy you really like
What's the problem then?
jesus christ how can somebody be this delusional
w*men really don't have souls, do they? just copy what men say word for word.
>wanting dick so bad that your life is ruined when you cant get it
lol faggot
Looks like rape to me.
thread theme:
lol based zoomers
Haha gottem.
>crystal cafe
yo wtf is this? i just went there and this was one of the first things saw in a thread about female superiority
She lools like wife material.
The truth is she looks like she fucks black guys
did I stutter?
She said no so it's definitely not consensual. It's that simple. She *could* have been more assertive and she *shouldn't* have pretended to like it when he got going, but what should could've or should've done doesn't really matter when she clearly didn't consent. He was a pushy asshole who just wanted to get his rocks off and he ignored her completely.
With that said, pretending to be into it afterwards kind of puts it all in a grey area - especially if this grade-A mongoloid thought the polite "no's" were just to tease him.
Personal opinion: If she said no and signaled that she wasn't interested, it absolutely is.
Realistically he has a strong argument to make that he got mixed signals.
But if I dont want something to happen to me, I’ll prevent it. She handled getting pumped with dick the same way I would handle a pushy guy handing out pamphlets or offering free samples at a stall. The way she was so willing to allow it to happen and even intentionally pretend to enjoy it means it wasn’t that bothered by it and just wants upvotes from the other soygirls.
crystal.cafe is basically the female incel board.
it's not exactly lolcow but close enough to it.
either female incel board or the equivalent of Jow Forums but all females.
incels are at least right about w*men
these creatures are delusional.
that's obviously rape
>female incel
are they joking?
It's called a series of events.
>have sex despite the woman saying no
that's rape, homie
>You pretend to enjoy it
yeah, she raped him
having sex under false pretenses is rape
You think gay men don't get raped?
oh shitt
Most men pretend to know they dont really get consent and its rules UNTIL their girl tries to put a finger on his butt while giving him a blowjob
Why does it read word for word like Reddit? Fuck that board