WW! cartoon

did the French always worship blacks?

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According to a interview of a german WW1 veteran, Blacks were not talken prisoner by german forces but were shoot on site

this makes me uncomfortable for some reason

you recognize the germans in the cartoon?

unfortunately the french have always been nigger loving cucks

translate it for us.

The French Revolution taught us the rights of man.
-Thomas SanKARA BOGA

Attached: image.png (800x800, 519K)

all person exept the blacks are germans
apperently they are POWs guarded by french

Why is it in broken french?

ofc, they're German POWs guarded by French colonial troops
you see the standing German soldier is cavalry (he's got an Uhlan uniform), the sitting ones are regular infantry
-you aren't French, you're black, why do you fight?
- mother France is a good mother, she's got white and black kids, and all kids defend mother!