Russian boys looks like THIS?

russian boys looks like THIS?

Attached: boy.jpg (720x758, 66K)

Average look like this

Attached: Ivanovo.jpg (1280x720, 354K)


What does he need? A penis in his mouth?


>ywn suck off a russian boy behind a dilapidated commie block

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cool shirt

It's literally out ethnic look. Why do people associate Russians with Vepsian mutt Putin?

Attached: Yeltsin Zyuganov Navalny.png (432x1056, 528K)

our ethnic look*

Danish boys LOOK LIKE THIS!!!!!??

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i hope not

well you do, and that's a good thing.

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Stop gayposting, lad.

This is Ukraine

>Why do people associate Russians with Vepsian mutt Putin?

Cлeвa yкpaинкa чтo ли?

Russians are CUTE!

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Not for long

>all these unironic faggots itt

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whats an ironic faggot then?

A prison gay

this dude knows

Attached: xh0Z79aU_400x400.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Putin looked different younger though and pretty Russian.

He really didn't, and there's even a book written on his ancestry.

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god, he has such a punchable face

Putin has 8th degree black belt in karate.

Russian boys are cute! Cute!

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how would you know cunt

this is how he earned it

Attached: PuoVOlc.gif (585x394, 3.43M)

not a newfag perhaps?

They look like this

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the girls look very pretty at least

Looks like PewDiePie

god, nobody around me has this cut. how many years will you be posting it?

can't unsee

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The guys look better to me.

based and homopilled

>based and homopilled

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do you disagree though?

only one guy is legit attractive, the other two are meh


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Comfy weather, comfy commieblocks in the background. I love Russia.

yes, spread your ass

Are you gay?

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Huh, he looks like me

Post belly

No u

Slavs are the anime race

It's just that some of us are victims of fetal alcohol syndrome

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kill yourselves you disgusting tranny faggots

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They all look like brothers wtf

This thread should be moved to >>> 2ch

Why do you post this in every thread?
Go back there if this triggers you so much.

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I'd let him do me any way he liked
too bad he's almost certainly gay like most boys I want to bang me

not just a race, but a master race, Hitler got it all wrong

You're a victim of ballhead syndrome which isn't rampant in Russians
The difference between Belarusians and Russians was fucking huge in Soviet researches

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Kaczyński is just a sad and ugly outlier, everybody makes fun of him

That's why he got into politics in the first place

I'm not sure if you troll or not. I have no sense of humor tho

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let me do you any way i like. i look exactly like this fag from op pic, the only difference is that i'm old, bald and fat.

Attached: dfam.jpg (1182x645, 82K)

>this is what you look like
Americans are delusional

whiter than you, Pyodor


Russian boys look like this, take your femboy shit out of my sight

Attached: 2603.jpg (1536x2048, 563K)

Who's the chick?

your mom's lover

Brits look like this

Attached: CF043A5F-502B-42C9-832C-44D42929A6FF.jpg (572x809, 141K)

>i look exactly like this fag from op pic.
>the only difference is that i'm old, bald and fat.

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please fuck me

Left is either Tatar or Ukrainian, both look same.

Why are all our politicians such a fucking garbage?

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Why does Russia hate Yaoi content so much?

>ywn have a russian bf

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-06-23-58-05-1.png (720x720, 796K)

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take a shower dude.


Cringe and vatnikpilled

fuck off liberal


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They love it, just too bashful to admit to it. Russia is turbo gay country. Most of the men had gay relationship at some point of their lives.

Any Russian boys wanna be my bride. Citizenship guaranteed

Only if u black/brown and rich

Cool, I always wanted to America

How do I get Russian bf?

>country hard as shit
>there are still some gentle feathers there


>country hard as shit

Just look at pic related, it's the state of r*ssia

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Doesn't Ukrainian flag bother you even a little?

Arr roke the same


Umm swetie, Ukrainians are slavshits

God i wish i looked like that
instead of that i look like a fat 14yo blob i hate myself

Now I understand why do hohols hate finno-ugrics and call us mordvins and moksha. Because they are fucking turks

We're the same people.

Ukrainians are block-headed wogs, but we talk about countries here. Ukraine is one whole tier worse than Russia.

Dumb liberal.

Don't feel so bad, you're average Jow Forums poster.

can be fixed
be the twink you're destined to be, user