Why cannot japs into smartphones?

why cannot japs into smartphones?

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>why japs are not making 56 inch display borderless phones with fingerprint scanners, face scanners, 56 back cameras, 12 frontal cameras, integrations with my favourite clock-bracelet that tells me when to drink, piss and go to sleep
because phones are for calling others

t. grandpa

Ironically enough that's exactly what their logic is. The meme from the 90s into the late 2000s is that Japan is this hyper-advanced tech wonderland, but really most of their businesses still regularly use fax machines. The Nips are good at making tools for very specific purposes, smartphones are too general-use for their particular brand of 'tism to be of any use.

lots of companies still use fax machines
what is this meme


Seriously? I doubt there is a single company in Sweden that uses it. Unless they're doing business with the Japanese evidently

Old people. Most computers in public places in Brazil still use Windows XP and floppy disks.

Check your pharmacies.

Galapagos syndromes. Japanese were too insular and only catered to their domestic markets. From video games, music, anime and other consumer products. They’ve always made products that fit their domestic consumers and they’ve been very lucky that western markets were receptive to them. But their phones never caught on in the west while the newer western phones caught on in Japan.

Good post desu


Almost every native Japanese person I've seen uses iPhones anyway, there was one cutie using a windows phone I think. But the country is small, why waste resources getting into a phone business when you can just import from companies desperate to have a market here

well this would be true is the japanese didn't already invest huge resources into their domestic phone industry only to have to completely annihilated by apple.

>sony image censors on iphone and galaxy
japanese makers survive in B2B

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I mean was it private investments or government subsidization, because unless the government itself threw millions into the pot it really doesn't matter. Money comes and goes, companies do as well

not really related to my response though, apple did annihilate japanese domestic cell phone manufacturers. japan had invested heavily into their own cell phones up until then.

Japland is the vassal state of Korea.

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I worked at a company where it was sometimes used to send forms to the IRS even though we had more advanced communications tech.

likewise cheap chinese phones annihilate iphones so B2B is the only way to make solid profit
same for the LCD or aviation production
we don't make the entire planes, but 35% of Boeing planes are made by japan

>vassal state of china over 1000yrs and colonized by japan
cynical joke..

not really a comparison since apple still actually has a global presence and has a bit over 12% of the global market. also, apple is still very profitable selling iphones. japanese phone makers are what % of the global market? you can make money off b2b and consumer markets, but the consumer portion of your phone market is gone and it ain't coming back anytime soon.

but simple business of just making overpriced smartphones has nearly collapsed and same goes for iphones
the us desperately try to hinder the business of chinese phones because they will smash the iphones
is canadian phones too bs so nobody knows?

because japan's technological progress is a meme and has been stagnant since a long time ago

This is true. Most companies still display a fax number, they keep sending by fax what could easily be sent by email because they enjoy the physical part I suppose.

The Japanese seem to do best in the already well established electronic products of the late 20th century. TVs, audio systems, cameras, air conditioners, digital watches, printers, video game consoles. They must have been slow to adopt to the rise of smartphones and tablets.

the market is getting more competitive but the dollar value of the mobile phone industry is still rising year over year. blackberry was killed off by apple, they failed to innovate, kind of like the japanese except at least blackberry phones at its prime was a global product.