>this'll be fun

This is a literacy test, Itt we will test how well you know english. You have 10 minutes, be honest.

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people will tell you this test was racist, but it was just good-natured ribbing

Are you going to do it? It's unfair if I do And I really had to think a bit. i hear in australia they would give immigrants tests in different languages lmao.

>question 10

did i do it boss

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You got 4 wrong

yeah it was a gamble, i had a underlined originally but was convinced it was more a letter than a word.

Unfortunately you have failed and cannot vote today. Mr American. No one cheat off this test.

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question 1 is gibberish
4 is self-contradictory, lines are not round
5 is ambiguous because of the comma; is it the first a in the line or every instance of a?
6 is deliberately poorly worded with a synonym given in parentheses and is also impossible according to the instruction of "nothing more, nothing less" because there is no specification of what to do with the third circle
7 does not specify what kind of shape qualifies as a cross or how big "small" is
8 entices you to cross out the letter, but you'll be disqualified unless you only "draw a line". you could also say that only the letters in "the alphabet" are part of the question
10 does not specify that the first word beginning with L should be in that line, so ambiguous (could also be e.g. Lousiana. so a instead of t)
11 is ambiguous and cannot be completed; if you cross out four zeroes the number below is one million, but you can also cross out anything (like the one) to make the number below one million. What number is "necessary" is also unclear
12 is impossible to complete in a way that will do only what is asked
13 is just designed to waste time, unless you fail to cross (not strike) each number
post page two and three

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Is this what social justice warriors mean when theyre talking about white people preventing blacks from voting? 12 basic questions to see if you can read?

This is unironically easier than the government's literacy test we all take during our JAPD here

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Good job. The whole point is to confuse you and make it hard to understand.

you didn't even fail me because my circle isn't circular enough

post page two and three where you have to write a bunch of bullshit into a tiny space and print, not write, words

shouldn't 10 end in A since it doesn't specify "in this line" and Louisiana came before it

It makes perfect sense, you just proved you have a horrible grasp of english desu

>doesn't post all questions
Fucking brainlets taking the easy way out

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Do I pass?

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oops you missed 26 hehe

The whole point of a lot of the questions was that the person reviewing could fail it depending on how they felt. When reviewing i guess you are right.

14 wastes time and you can't cross out anything
15 is ambiguous with where the dot goes
16 can't be done unless you have a black pen
17 and 18 are arguably fair, except that there was no official solution guide
the space for 19 is deliberately small and it requires black pen, and there are three shapes that are all open to interpretation in whether the square is sufficiently square, etc.
20 could also be "write forwards, but claim that it is a correct spelling of backwards because it is what the question asked"
21 requires you to print, not write, and does not state what version of upside down is wanted
22 wastes time, fakes you out with "the last the", you can underline the space in "the sentence", and your circle has to be circular. Also note you have to put a cross into the already cramped space for question 21
>draw a figure that is square in shape

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the 1st one is a bit conflicting because it says in “this sentence” but the “1.” preceding the sentence isn’t necessarily a part of the sentence itself

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It was literally only given to black voters.

fuck l*******a

oh shit I saw now that it was the last letter of the first word beginning with L and not the first letter, CHANGE THAT a TO A t RIGHT NOW I RETRACT MY ANSWER

you didn't cross out the word in 3
I also forgot that the repetition of "first" in 5 is also, arguably, just for emphasis and you should circle all As

how would the first letter of the first word beginning with L be a t?

>Jewish political activist Egon Kisch from Czechoslovakia, who was exiled from Germany for opposing Nazism, arrived in Australia in 1934. The Government of Joseph Lyons went to extraordinary lengths to exclude Kisch, including using the dictation test. Kisch was fluent in a number of European languages, and after completing passages in several languages, he finally failed when he was tested in Scottish Gaelic. The officer who tested him had grown up in northern Scotland, and did not have a particularly good grasp of Scottish Gaelic himself. In the High Court case of R v Wilson; ex parte Kisch the court found that Scottish Gaelic was not within the fair meaning of the Act, and overturned Kisch's convictions for being an illegal immigrant. The failure to exclude Kisch brought the dictation test into widespread public ridicule.

Ok, I might be stupid. But how the fuck do you draw a line around something?
Does it mean a square?

>draw a line around
does he mean draw a circle?

“first, first” seems like the comma is there to differentiate between the meaning of both the firsts, written fully I think it means “...the first [instance of the] first letter...”
very subjective test

Op here mfw thinking about how conflicting the answers really are. Jeez i have changed my answers so much I don't even know what is right now.
circle pretty sure

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I just looked at other people’s answers and thought the test meant the first word beginning with T in the line, but looking at it again I could also be right

It doesn't specify sentence so it could be Louisiana.

but the british user's post says he thought it was the first letter of the first word
going by he thought that "beginning with "L"" meant "beginning with a "T"" so I don't know what to tell you

They were intentionally made very difficult and conflicting. It's how they prevented smart blacks from voting, along with stupid ones.

I meant beginning with L, my bad
it’s been a long night I didn’t intend to confuse you norgeanon

The test wasn't widespread but it did exist. Election violence was enough and voting restrictions were enoughh . Threaten the voters life or threaten their employer if they let their black employee take time off to vote for the day.

The test was very much widespread you dumb Canadian.

Election violence was all but none existant after ~1920s. Feds got all pissy and made us stop

>this test was racist,
only blacks were forced to take it, poor whites who wouldn't read had a grandfather clause

What the fuck is 27

Test might not have been racist.
But grandfather clause sure as hell was

Pretty sure it wasn't. The type in op was not the norm but there was other obstacles employed in the norm lit tests.

write "right" I guess

Isn't that convenient

And if you were a of "good moral character" you didn't have to take the test

Also take into account that it only gave them 10 minutes to complete all those questions

24 has nothing to do with literacy as such. I'm supposing only English words would be counted in, in which case "MOM" is maybe the most obvious answer
25 has a ridiculously tiny space and a fakeout in "the the"
26 could be either the second letter of "square" (q) or the second letter of "the fourth word" or (h) or "the second letter of the fourth word"
27 can be "right" or "right from the left to the right as you see it spelled here" or even "here" by the same logic as "backwards forwards"
28 is geometrically nonsense and virtually impossible to do, given "equal parts"
29 is a gigantic time-waster, as well as ambiguous (is every other the first, third, etc. or second, fourth, etc.?) (does capitalize mean first letter capitalized or all caps?) (is the fifth word counted under the assumption that you do every other word and every third word at the same time or separately?)
30 is geometrically impossible as well as being complete gibberish, which is a nice way to round off the test
I r8 myself 10/10, fit to vote

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30 is missing a verb

You're retarded!

You pass if the proctor sees you're the right color

>5 is ambiguous because of the comma; is it the first a in the line or every instance of a?
>8 you could also say that only the letters in "the alphabet" are part of the question
as racist as the whole test is, there is no need to be a brainlet about it

there's nothing racist about the test, but the fun is in finding where and how the questions are ambiguous

racist as in being made specifically to prevent blacks from voting
and creating ambiguity where none exists is sad, not fun

but the ambiguity does exist, the fun is finding it in the language (which was what the test was supposedly made to test in the first place)

It was racist but it is pretty open ended in how you can answer it.