post your city
Post your city
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comfy shithole
only 1000 inhabitants
comfy, which state?
Wyoming, we also have a livestream in downtown
imagine living in a city
People jump off our covered bridge
I know a guy that jumped off a bridge like that and broke his back when hit the water at a bad angle
I jumped off it 3 times last summer its about 9 metres
Opava is wierd...
looks comfy
If by city, you mean medium town then ok
If by city you mean countryside of a tiny burg then ok
Another Cuckholmer reporting in
Not my city, but pretty close.
yo where's this?
fucking filth, wish my dad stayed in the countryside
Imagine living in a cramped place like this. You literally live on top of people and can't spit without it falling on someone
Which city?
next to a city but not living in a city
Barcelona is behind that mountain
Looks super comfy and clean.
What is it like to live in a 3rd world dump of a country to be in one of the nice and developed parts? Do you just never leave and only stay there?
Not much to look at I admit, unless you really enjoy the desert aesthetic. Housing is quite cheap though.
Too hot. No thanks
posting the city
The most cherrypicked picture possible of my city
Looks like an absolute hellscape, honestly.
lmao morelia is a dump
I figured it is.
I'm speaking generally, imagine being in the nice developed part of a country with people who have dirt floors and no windows
because it is, that's why don't live there
Don't you have floods? It's so flat, if the water raises 1 meter it's all fucked up
it's you stupid ignorant foreigners who are obsessed with that city not us
I just don't get Spain. It seems so beautiful, great weather generally, lots of history and cool stuff to see and do, but everyone just wants to go to Barcelona to party. I heard Madrid is a shithole too.
Where should I go if I want to visit and experience your country, with my Spanish speaking wife to help out.
I don't get the appeal. I would love to go to Spain but not for Barcelona.
What is your hidden gem place of Spain? The place that's amazing that tourists don't know about or want to visit?
Based reading each other's minds bros
Checking out Andalucia now
Guess my shithole
My brother and his wife live there, I should really visit sometime
the snowy streets look beautiful though
are you really from that craphole? post timestamp
he must be so sunburnt kek
I hate cities so much
If you do, I highly suggest going in the winter.
are you in a ranch or what?
We're not ginger user
Yeah, I would. It'd be a nice escape from the Irish winter and I heard how bad Arizona can be in summer if you stay outside for too long
sure fren
that fucking looks like Orizaba
Yeah, it can get up to 50°C in the summer. I suppose you could stay inside with the AC all day, but then what would be the point of travelling.
based, have you ever been robbed?
What place is this for non-Mexicans?
I own a patch of land in the countryside with hazel trees
Watching cities from above is nauseating, it's like watching a fungal infection on the surface of the Earth
It's not
Thankfully no
What do you mean?
I mean for people who aren't from Mexico and have no idea what place you're talking about. Where is it?
not everyone can live in the country
Cual ciudad?
It's in Mexico state, in one of the areas near Mexico City
Does it have a name?
Holy shit, talking to Mexicans is a chore
It was a guessing game, calm down.
It's Tlalnepantla de Baz.
I hate this place, but I don't want to leave
What an absolutely shit skyline. Disgusting.
New World flyovers have better downtowns than that
I made these photos few days ago in my city
Übermensch brazilians' city
That's whole album of photos from my town (over 2,5k photos)
Saw a Ferrari thundering down there yesterday.
It was cool, but the guy was afick.
>Saw a Ferrari
probably a rented one, only then someone would do that.
It had a normal plate, but idk.
thanks for sharing
Mexican cities look like they were built with soul.