
Bulgarian edition

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>>someone fell for the tatar propaganda
>I hope he is baiting, because that's some new level of stupidity.

post of the day, lmao

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yugo propaganda? see pic

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what am I looking at?

Probably number of partisans in ww2
If this is yugo propaganda then urs is tatar propaganda and you fell from it. Imagine being a different ethnicity than you parents because you fell for the memes on the internet lel


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Good night, animetard : )

ethnic composition of the yugoslav partisans

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get your own gimmick, don't steal mine
but i'll let this one slide coz you an aegean nigga

good night

oh no its the
>your parents are ancient macedonians sho why arent you?
i did not fell for anything, its literally the narative accepted by the world exept for macedonia.

Yes, everyone is dumb except you, the smart bugaropilled one

you are an actual brainlet, last (You) you are getting from me

>mfw no Dacian girlfriend

qij turqit

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Here's a song for you to chill out a bit


nope, not chilling out, i have to prepare some studying material, i have an exam next week.
also, one of the best folk songs right there

Ugh no Bulgarian hours are up it seems
*Closes thread*

Shko qij veten kryqtar cuck

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Why do Romanians bully Hungarians?Are they envious of their glorious empires?

Rename /balk/ to /rum/eli

but the thread was opened by a self-identified bugar, why leave?

>the mentally ill diaspora roach is in the thread

Hungarians in Romania have the most rights of all minorities in Europe other than somalians in Sweden. They have their own television, newspapers, political party, schooling and so on and they still bitch and moan for more. Even Hungarians in Hungary hate them.


Don't let the door hit you, bulgarlet


>An Albanian national who talked about joining ISIS and attacking random people to avenge a shooting at a New Zealand mosque was arrested at a gun range in Montana, authorities said Thursday.

>Once in Bozeman, Alameti looked at guns in pawn shops and Wal-Mart, and he bought an air rifle. He was kicked out of a hotel for smoking marijuana and hospitalized March 25 for apparent acute alcohol intoxication, Duermeier said.

>On Tuesday, another federal informant recorded Alameti saying while buying marijuana that he could die the following day and said he wanted to "shoot up" the hotel that he had been kicked out of. He said he wanted to go to a gun range the following day and shoot a rifle that he had seen in a pawn shop, the FBI agent's statement said.

Is this peak musulmanic behavior?

>In bozeman, montana
I don't have a reactionp pic to explain how much I Kekd

thishungarians are actually a turkish fifth column to keep the daco roman hordes from taking Constantinople back for the empire

please explain

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Can confirm, this is true.

Why was the last thread deleted?


Maybe sharia law is not a bad thing after all

Because one retarded Discord-shilling fyromian reported it.

link to dicsword?

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Are you okay

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