Russians mostly think, that in a western countries you don't have a freedom of speech, because you will have a law problems, if you will call a transgender like a man or some nigger as a nigger, in the same time they block all the internet and some people are really in jail just for a facebook likes. Redpill me please.
Russians mostly think, that in a western countries you don't have a freedom of speech...
Western as in western European yes, we're free in the new world under big daddy 'murica
They really think, that you can't even look on a woman's boobs. What an idiots are around me.
europe is how you described
US is heading that way, but not quite yet
>Western as in western European yes, we're free in the new world under big daddy 'murica
No. They think about USA, Canada too.
Nigga you can't even shit talk your government.
>europe is how you described
Lol, no of course. Nobody cares about what I will tell about faggots there or refugees. A first world countries have a more bigger IQ, so only because of it they are polite and noone will tell a lot of not correct or bad words.
It is not a my minds, it is a minds of a most people from the post-ussr countries.
Nigga if you say you like your president, you will lose you job lmao
Russians are delusional
Western Europe is like that. In America you can say nigger or fuck rapefugees and won't get in trouble. The tech companies will try to ban you, but the government won't go after you.
Kanye West is a Nigger
Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner is a man
what else should i say lol
you must also say trump is the best president ever and that you want him to build the wall
How do you think, do you have a freedom of speach?
That's not true. I'm not sacred of losing my job. FUCK TRUMP, see. Your turn to shit talk Putin.
Not sure if your English is just bad or your purposely making bad Russian English speaker post.
And something nice about Trump. TRUMP IS BASED.
*grinding teeth*
T-Tr-Trump is the best president ever and I want him to b-build the wall....
isn't freedom of speech the best thing ever!
My grammar is really bad. I am very sorry for it.
Can you reiterate it then? I didn't understand what you were trying to ask.
>Your turn to shit talk Putin
I like Putin though. I'm not a lying scumbag like you Americans, you can't expect me to lie on the internet can you???
stay safe ivan, the FSB never sleeps
Jut type in "FUCK PUTIN" or something like that. You don't have to mean it, freedom-friend .
Someone quote this nigga's post with an NPC meme
No no it's like asking me to be blasphemous, I can't be disrespectful like this. I'm sure you've seen a ton of people with my flag shit on Putin though. Go to 2ch, our pol is 100% just people shitting on Putin. In fact that's exactly why I'm here, I don't want to stay with those liberal homos
What is your opinion about?
Do you have a full freedom of speech in USA? Or some topics can't be in use on public?
I never seen a Russian shit talk Putin here.
it is cute
Okay this guy/girl is based.
t. Stevie Wonder
>this is your brain on Jow Forums
> don't want to stay with those liberal homos
So go to odnoglazniki and sucks there your pension reform.
Jow Forums Jow Forums is more liberal Russian than vatnik Russian don't know what you're talking about.
Russians here say the opposite that 2ch is full of vatniks and so they come here.
I'm a 4channer ain't I? I hate all that liberal SJW shit, and think European countries should stay white. We do have hate speech laws but really I'm familiar with the limits of it legally. People don't go spouting about how we should kill all the jews or niggers to test the waters on what hate speech laws will do because it's social suicide and that ends up hurting you more than a fine or cease and desist order will.
I'm not*
Yeah we can do that too lol dumbass.
>Russians here say the opposite that 2ch is full of vatniks and so they come here.
>Russians here say the opposite that 2ch is full of vatniks and so they come here
Lol what? Literally who the fuck says that?
Can i be first? Fuck Putin
>Russians here say the opposite that 2ch is full of vatniks and so they come here.
You can't even imagine the level of aboslute liberal degeneracy on that website
>I never seen a Russian shit talk Putin here.
Did you come here 10 minutes ago for the first time?
Maybe it wasn't 2ch but I remember Russians on here saying they don't go to Russian imageboards because it's full of vatniks and that they come here because Russians that know English are more likely to be liberal.
>Russians that know English are more likely to be liberal.
It's complete opposite
You have a very misguided american vatnik view of Russia.
You deserve to be mocked. People on Russian imageboards are way more liberal and are usually way younger than here, I'm talking schoolchildren tier. You probably came across a retard and too his word for fact.
> Russians that know English are more likely to be liberal.
I agree with it. It looks like a true statement.
Do Americans unironically believe this?
Russian liberals looks like this
It is but it doesnt reflect the reality if imageboards since mostly young people visit them anyway. And sosach is way more anti-russian than anons here and has much poorer knowledge of English. It's not even about being liberal, Putin is a liberal ffs.
>Russian liberals looks like this
Russians looks like this.
When I say liberal I mean the "wah wah Russia is evil shithole, west is good utopia, we should be more like west" Russians.
Well in that case yeah seeThey usually have worse English.
Than do most Russians on here seem to be like that? Most seem to hate Russia and sperg out when you compliment Russia or say you like it in any way.
why do*
>When I say liberal I mean the "wah wah Russia is evil shithole, west is good utopia, we should be more like west" Russians.
Other side is kind of a "3rd Reich in North Korea". Better to be like west, really.
>Most seem to hate Russia
Here? Probably a vocal minority.
Also didnt you just say that you never saw Russians say anything bad about their government here? Or was that another Burger?
You niggas need to get your story straight
I LOVE Putin
You have freedom of speech but you are also not free of criticism. Be openly racist all you want but you won't be able to hold down a job
>if you will call a transgender like a man
Illegal in Canada.
>Also didnt you just say that you never saw Russians say anything bad about their government here?
No that must have been another burger
>Most seem to hate Russia and sperg out when you compliment Russia or say you like it in any way.
It is a typical russian menthality. And it all because of USSR and it all exists in everu post-ussr country.
>"wah wah Russia is evil shithole, west is good utopia, we should be more like west"
Those people rarely speak good english, they're mostly brainlet losers with no prospects in life and this kind of rhetoric is their way of cope, so they don't feel that it's their fault
>still no one said bad things about Putin
May be because there is nothing to say?
He siphons money from Russian ecnomy into his own pockets. Made stupid decisions that got Russia sanctioned when it was the cusp of a economic explosion that killed Russia's chance of being first world anytime soon. He continues to uphold corrupt oligarch mafia government that keeps Russia impoverished and backwater.
Russia needs more churches and anti hedonism. It will make a free society
May be because there is nothing to say?
He is a finn
Also he lets muslims and chinese immigrate while telling ethnic Muscovite Russians they can't say that Russia belongs to them.
There is nothing good about him either. He started very well, but did nothing in the past 10 years
>into his own pockets
Sanctions stimulate the development of the domestic market. The lifting of sanctions will kill a lot of things. (And not just us but Belarus will suffer too)
>corrupt oligarch mafia
It's not about Bad-bad people but bad (and to complicated) economic system. As long as the system allows you to steal, there will be thieves... Hard to explain.
It's not like there is no corruption in the USA. You have it too (At least for example your investigation about the connection of the Trump and Russia LOL)
>Also he lets muslims and chinese immigrate while telling ethnic Muscovite Russians they can't say that Russia belongs to them.
I don't even know if I should comment on this or is it just a joke
>Sanctions stimulate the development of the domestic market. The lifting of sanctions will kill a lot of things. (And not just us but Belarus will suffer too)
State propaganda word for word.
Oh really? The only thing that hits our economy is Bond credit rating
I wish you all knew Russian language guys so I can redpill you on Putin. But it's hard for me to keep up the conversation in English.
There are good and bad things about him but it is definitely not what you hear about in the news or other American sources.
it's true though
many local manufacturers multiplied production since there is no import competitors anymore
No, we're free. For now at least until the USA makes it commonplace everywhere for you to be jailed for "hate speech"
Russia you got's to halp me.
The Neggras attack form the south.
Muslims roll in form Germany.
Feminists come in from Sweden.
What 2 doo, what to doooo ?!
Not that bad but it's getting there. Depends on country as well. NA is the worst because their populations are retarded and devoid of nuance. They can only think in terms of good/bad, enemy/ally. Those two binaries sum up their entire mind. Legally it's the best in NA, socially it's the worst. Western Europe would be the worst, I'm not sure if the UK is particularly bad or just that English media finds its way to us where other media (of Europe at large) would not. You can expect extreme authoritarianism, inconsistency, and valuelessness in the future.
>State propaganda word for word.
It is actually true though, it's just how economics works.
referendum about reunion
You know it's highly Illegal after all that Ukraine ''misunderstanding'' .
It's Illegal to even talk about it
....Are things getting more '' SJW '' in Russia like they are in Europe ?
Technically, but you can count on our government and law enforcement to be woefully incompetent at enforcing the laws
Not really, we do have young hipster/sjw types though like anyone else but theyre a minority.
>meme reddit-tier buzzwords: the post
Same here.
You now can see 4 or 5 brown people when you walk in Riga.
That is a increase of 300%.
Never seen a Negro!
Funny thing is that Russian speakers in Latvia and Latvians agree that immigration is a cancer and we need to just look at France to know what might happen.
This dislike of uncontrolled immigration unites us like ...nothing has before .
Odd, isn't it!?
Anti globalism unites cultures .
>We do have hate speech laws
To put it simply, no we don't you fucking retard.
>People don't go spouting about how we should kill all the jews or niggers to test the waters on what hate speech laws will do
Because they don't need to, see
You need to go back.
Fuck off, Latbro is based.
Does Bлaдимиp Boльфoвич Жиpинoвcкий still talks shit about us?
Sometimes I see Russian news and it makes me laugh how some people twist things.
'' I saw Latvian biathlon snipers in Ukraine, they shot at women and children '' one woman (singer I guess) said.
Everybody laughs at things like that here(including Russian speakers)
No idea but Zhirik is known for being a class clown, he says a lot of shit lol. Nobody really takes him seriously.
Don't say shit about our Balt bros
Try to find a single russian among all these deputies
Your english is awesome. It speaks more truth than undertowed
Is this bait?