>he really thought we'd break 7800 resistance
*breathes in*
>he really thought we'd break 7800 resistance
*breathes in*
but muh muh muh ETF! insiders are pumping it! 15K aug 16th!
>$132,000,000 dip immediately gets bought
>being unironically bearish
wew lad
>he doesn't understand what mass liquidation of longs does to price action
before it was 6800 now 7800 kek whats wrong bulls, afraid of the number 8? pathetic
Hey Bobo, fuck off and go play on the autobahn.
>implying I'm not /crashing the market n driving on the autobahn/ at the same time
I did not even realize we moved up this high.
how the fuck are we above 7500$ already.
How did you fuck this up bears?
This is on you.
3rd time's the charm. prepare to get rekt, bobo
such a perfect picture
>neither do (you)
i thought liquidation of shorts moves the price up.
I thought that buying Bitcoin high and selling low moved the price up
Um sweetie this is problematic for a strong independent trans woman such as myself.
>please don't go to the moon without me I sold at $5900
You can still buy the real bitcoin for under 1000$ cash. It is the only branch which can deliver what the whitepaper proposed
holy shit get a load of this guy
Corecucks will catch on eventually
Can you fuck off to your own thread so I can hide it you motherfucking CIA SHILLS?
i guess the "muh real bitcoin" has become the oldest meme of this board
deluded bcashies
4k target is still in play for September
>The price will either go up or down
Hey bear. How about I fuck bitcoin with my big green cock while you watch and masturbate in the corner? Maybe give me your ass later. Sissy bear boy.
>>he really thought we'd break 6500 resistance
>>he really thought we'd break 6800 resistance
>>he really thought we'd break 7500 resistance
>>he really thought we'd break 7800 resistance
>>he really thought we'd break 9200 resistance
>>he really thought we'd break 10000 resistance
>>he really thought we'd break 75000 resistance
>He really thought there would be support at 3k
I agree.
>afraid of the number 8?
No, chinese love the number 8. It went to 6.8k on July 8th. Price will be 8.8k on August 8th and crash after that.
There is more buying because of the chinese love of 8 than the memetf