Eurofags of Jow Forums, inform me of the Gypsies
Eurofags of Jow Forums, inform me of the Gypsies
for once i shamefully agree with the german
the only "people" I genuinely and 100% unironically wish genocide upon
Not Euro, but I can see that they’re absolute babes. Never seen an ugly one under 40.
worse than niggers
Notice how whenever the Gypsies are mentioned, people from the Americas are the only ones who say anything remotely nice about them whereas Euros have nothing but bad things to say.
Descendants of indian migrants of the old time, currently known as marginal group involved into different kinds of criminal activity.
Gypsy culture is quite rich, though their artistic creativity is often forgotten by media. We even have a gypsy theater functioning since the days of Stalin.
All Europeans would agree that the world would be a better place if all gypsies were vapourised overnight. I would rather live in Chernobyl than next to a gypsy family.
Ugly, smelly, retarded, unable to integrate, lives off welfare and robbing/murdering our women/elderly. Most of them barely pass primary school. Through hundreds of years they could not integrate into any of the European communities. Sounds familiar? The worst part is that, as a pleb, you can do pretty much nothing to avoid them. Our government's are extremely cucked and will do everything to protect these roaches.
The average gypsy female is abbo-tier or worse.
This is the same in Spain KEK
Looks like the average italian to me
>Ugly, smelly, retarded, unable to integrate, lives off welfare and robbing/murdering our women/elderly
>Never seen an ugly one under 40
Lots of the "over 40" gypsies you see are actually teenagers.
The difference is that niggers with normal jobs and families exist whereas 100% of gypsies are a wandering plague.
The indians of europe but worse.
Not human
This, unlike blacks or muslims you literally cannot find a single gypsy contributing to humanity
I was most being facetious.
Anyway, how did it happen? Like how long have they been wandering throughout Europe? Have they always been this way, or is what you see today the dilapidated form of the gypsy?
They've been here for many centuries and are no longer nomadic (although they move to different European countries when their shacks get destroyed), they don't live flth and crime because of poverty, it's their culture and living traditions.
They refuse to be part of society and hate us as much as we hate them. Gypsies who don't want to live that way are berated by their fellows.
If only Hitler had gone after the gypsies more rather than the Jews.
He also went after the gypsies but didn't finish the job.
If he exclusively attacked gypsies now he wouldn't be hated.
Steal shit, kill, rape and sell heroin. The only "people" who are worse than muzzies here
Interesting that they've lasted so long.
Even lefties more or less openly dislike gyppers here. They're the lowest of the low. Nobody would complain if they all suddenly turned into dust.
I think it's mostly because they're very adaptable, if their settlements get demolished they can build a new one in a couple of days.
It's the same here, I have leftist friends who hang out with negroes and LGBT people, I usually try to avoid certain topics with them because I don't want to offend them so it was pretty surprising to discover that they hate gypsies just as much as I do.
He did, he should have done more.
here they look like fernando martínez
They are mystic people who can tell you the future and shit like that.
Must be. I imagine them to be like primitive humans scavenging and foraging off of modern society.
They're like wild animals. They steal stuff since they're kids so they become arrogant and strange. Literally the most unpleasant people I have ever met
scum, like all YToids
Fucking kek I was watching this at the exact same time
Chinese pregnant woman beats up thieving gypsy
This one always makes me laugh