/cum/ - Canada US Mexico

mirror edition

Attached: 0BA47E11-EF46-412B-9163-7E579D281F14.png (719x719, 705K)

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I love when my bf feeds me tide pods

Attached: D3gTRlbWkAAh35G[1].jpg (1200x1043, 123K)

*hoots and hollers*

Attached: tawny-owl.jpg (1461x1096, 399K)

>come back from south carolina
>all captchas are palm trees

Attached: 1510412705858.jpg (545x526, 49K)


I've been getting a lot of palm trees as well.

Testosterone levels change throughout the day and can be affected in the short term by a lot of things. This image is just political memeing, which isn't surprising considering that the source seems to be the Daily Caller.

More like CALM TREES

Attached: 590C8A55-9290-4EDE-89D7-F9EB264D5A38.jpg (470x595, 81K)

Source is buzzfeed, retard

need something good tow atch while eating ramen now that im done battle angel alita