BLM protestors are blocking the intersection and won't let anyone through. It's Saturday, man, I just want to go home...
BLM protestors are blocking the intersection and won't let anyone through. It's Saturday, man, I just want to go home
What do you mean won't "let" people through? Do they not have CARS? Pedestrians have a tough time stopping a moving car.
kek, wh*tes just sit there and deal with it
highly problematic post
just run over them
This isn't Brazil
Then shoot them.
why is this shit allowed?
>police shoot black people
>black people riot
>police shoot black people rioting
>black people riot harder
So now police have given up on shooting black people and they just kind of do whatever
Sorry that you live in a shithole country that does not allow public demonstration, same here, iktf.
why arent you shooting them?
wait singapore doesnt allow public demonstration? here it is allowed but I just dont understand why do they need to block a road like that. I mean what can they accomplish beside making people more annoyed. they should protest elsewhere
The left has the Negroes on a leash and they make sure that they forget the fact that they live in the greatest and freest nation ever and that they could live great lives without facing any of the problems that plague Africa and all that without ever being slaves themselves in current year. Some lenience from local leftist authorities definitely plays a role in that too.
Most of the BLM turds are white, though.
Singapore is not a shithole though
To make a statement
People see a public demonstration, they don't care, it doesn't affect them.
The only way to make them care about your message is to affect them personally, make them overlook their small annoyance and focus on the bigger message on hand instead.
Have you been there?
didn't read lol
In terms of political and civil rights, we are.
This is why I hate your politic. now it starts influencing youth(girl) in my country(mostly the left). while the boy are usually influenced by the right (most of them are Jow Forumstard).
B-but Nick Land and Moldbug told me you were a paradise
No justice? no peace. Simple as
Absolutely abhorrent assertion.
except that people arent falling for there view. not everyone gonna fall for BLM.
Based and civic-minded pilled
Dunno about him, but a quick google search tells me that he is the father of accelerationism.
Unfortunately, that won't happen here.People would gladly throw their civil liberties down the drain and ask the government to rape them harder in exchange for a $200 rebate voucher
Falling is a loaded word.
I'm not promoting nor opposing this specific protest, just justifying the reasons that they had for blocking the road.
Do you think they are like cartoonish villains who do their best to annoy people at every junction?
The modern negro is easily stirred into a fuss about things that happened 300 years ago and never happened to them personally.
>cambodian Jow Forumstards
do they worship Jow Forums pot?
>Do you think they are like cartoonish villains who do their best to annoy people at every junction?
Illegally blocking the road accosting random civilians is inline with this exactly.
Have you looked at the rates that they arrest blacks(jail) vs the rate that they are convicted at(prison)?
I've already elaborated on the reasons that they do it for.
Yes, the thing is about getting arrested in conjunction with being convicted is you have to break the law and there has to be some degree of convincing evidence that you broke the law.
Well, knowing that they are disproportionately arrested(as compared to being convicted), and that arrests happen when there is "convincing evidence" that the law is broken, what is the only logical conclusion?
>Someone doesnt want to do something
>"Durr me make them do something by breaking the law and accosting them"
This is the antithesis to a civilized society.
The only logical conclusion is that they do things that would lead one to believe that they are breaking the law.
Evil people do not do evil things because they will to do evil, but rather they do evil because they can see no greater than their own narrow desires.
there are a few.
laws are for bootlicking faggots
Protesters who obstruct traffic should unironically be detained and used for medical experimentation.
Ah yes, the ad hominem
This is the college educated American archetype I have heard such a great deal about.
t. cletus the hick
Can he triple down
The only thing that you need to do is to pay attention, 5 minutes of your time.Please tell me, what is a civilised society anyway?
y is ur country so poor
>It took you nearly 20 minutes to come up with that
>Please tell me, what is a civilised society anyway?
It involves people not blocking the road illegally while they are in the cusp of some strong emotion.
>french colonization plus heavy tax
>civil war
>genocidal event that kill at least 3 million
>genocidal event goal is to kill intellectual,destroy culture,destroy the education system,destroy society, remove currency and everyone is equal.
>country remained unstable even after the genocidal event
I wonder why too
>noooo, you can't shoot someone just because they're wearing glasses!
If anything getting stuck in traffic because of protestors makes me want the police to shoot black people even more.
Like BLM's stances or not, civil disobedience is a good thing for this country.