French Canadians tend to have much more whiter genetics in comparison to French from France who are much more swarthyer and Med looking. This is explained easily by the fact that French Canadians generally come from Northern parts of France in the 1600s and are thus fully of a Celtic and Germanic stock. Think regions like Normandy, Britanny, etc.
On the other hand, the French have a extremely high admixture of Latin, Mediterranean, Iberian blood and are thus much less white. Add to that the phenomenal immigration. From countries like Portugal, Algeria and Morocco, and you explain easily why most of France is swarthy.
Most French Canadians have a bit of Native American and métis admixture.
Alexander Perry
métis means french-native mixture
Charles Sanchez
You’re forgetting that a lot of Québécois have Irish heritage from settlers that got totally assimilated. Quebecois are halftimes swarthy as well.
Adrian Young
Isn't Québec very multicultural these days?
Daniel Barnes
she looks like she fucks HAKKA guys
Lucas Butler
>French Canadians tend to have much more whiter genetics in comparison to French from France who are much more swarthyer and Med looking. That's because in the decades following WWII, millions of Spaniards, Italians and Portuguese settled in France. Their genetics got MOORED.
No it's because king louie literally sent attractive young women to Quebec to populate it. Used to be a fully male province, so the base genetic stock is of top tier French babes
Jacob Reyes
based Quebec
Gavin Fisher
>This is explained easily by the fact that French Canadians generally come from Northern parts of France i feel like i see this shit all the time from new world posters. like some group of people here is always claiming that their ancestors were actually the master race but left of their own accord. like all the english who left to settle the colonies were actually nordic anglo-saxons and not celtic britons, all the settlers in uruguay or wherever were strictly northern spanish, and now all the quebecois are actually germanic northern french. what i haven't seen is a single source to back any of this up.
Jack Gray
Acadians are literally Normans from Normandy as are many Quebecois. They also have a lot of Celtic DNA
Brandon James
Totally false.
Jeremiah Diaz
Elijah King
I know a French Canadian with blue eyes. would this make sense then?
Thomas Barnes
Franceska Fournier
Les filles du Roy were prostitute and their number was ridiculously low (1000 girls at most). It was literally whores who had the choice of begging for cock in the streets of 1650's Paris or marrying a peasant in the New World and get the chance to have a family.
The way we speak in Québec and the last names we have is much more similar to the North of France than to the South. That's a fact. Other than that, there are a few maps that show the main emigration regions of France to New France and its always the North West. No one from say Marseille came here.
Of course. Blue eyes are way more common here than in France.
>Most No
>A few Yeah, you can spot it easily by an ugly face with black hair and black eyes Looks kinda like the mutt même. and it gives you benefits like hunting permits and shiet. I know 3 people who claim to have native ancestry, they don't know which tribes though lmao.
Adam Reyes
Evan Davis
Raven black haired quebecoise girls are literally perfect and i want one badly but i am an anglo monolingual cuck.
A huge number of Québécois come from the Basque country, one of the least white part of France. Perhaps this is the reason there're some Québécois turbo-swarthoids like him: One sure thing is that the Québécois aren't much Germanic as they all come Western France, the least Germanic part of the country. They're more Celtic and Basque swarthoid
We may have a little bit more melanin, but to be fair we're more attractive. Pic related: Ubisoft Montréal. You people look like Americans, dress like Americans, and even act like them to an extent. Meanwhile this is what average French girls are like: None of the three are models, sure, but their mannerisms, life style and clothing choices make them infinitely more average than the average North American hambeast found in Québec.