French Canadians tend to have much more whiter genetics in comparison to French from France who are much more swarthyer and Med looking. This is explained easily by the fact that French Canadians generally come from Northern parts of France in the 1600s and are thus fully of a Celtic and Germanic stock. Think regions like Normandy, Britanny, etc.
On the other hand, the French have a extremely high admixture of Latin, Mediterranean, Iberian blood and are thus much less white. Add to that the phenomenal immigration. From countries like Portugal, Algeria and Morocco, and you explain easily why most of France is swarthy.
Most French Canadians have a bit of Native American and métis admixture.
Alexander Perry
métis means french-native mixture
Charles Sanchez
You’re forgetting that a lot of Québécois have Irish heritage from settlers that got totally assimilated. Quebecois are halftimes swarthy as well.
Adrian Young
Isn't Québec very multicultural these days?
Daniel Barnes
she looks like she fucks HAKKA guys
Lucas Butler
>French Canadians tend to have much more whiter genetics in comparison to French from France who are much more swarthyer and Med looking. That's because in the decades following WWII, millions of Spaniards, Italians and Portuguese settled in France. Their genetics got MOORED.