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Need to start a new life in New York, simple as.

British niggas be like “oi may I spaff in your fanny”

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>Need to start a new life in New York, simple as

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Are you rich?

Sending men to their death was inevitable of the day.

There was a planned military coup shortly after the war. He had to come out of retirement and say this, which should reflect a bit on how he felt toward his men:
>Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country. I was among the first who embarked in the cause of our common country; and I have never left your side one moment, but when called from you to serve you in public duty. I have been the constant companion and witness of your distresses, and my heart has ever expanded with joy when I have heard your praise. If my conduct heretofore has not evinced to you that I have been a faithful friend to the army, my declaration of it at this time would be improper. The sincere affection I feel for an army I have so long had the honor to command, will oblige me to declare, that, for all your toils and dangers, and in the gratification of every wish, you may freely command my services again to the utmost extent of my abilities. But, here, gentlemen, I will drop the curtain. Let me entreat you, gentlemen, on your part, not to take any measures, which will lessen the dignity, and sully the glory you have hitherto maintained. And let me conjure you, in the name of our common country, as you value your own sacred honor, to express your utmost horror and detestation of the man who wishes to deluge our rising empire in blood. Let me request you to show one more distinguished proof of unexampled patient virtue. Then you will, by the dignity of your conduct, in the future say, when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind—"the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining."
Many of those present were moved to tears. He then left the room and the conspiracy collapsed.

like being me
wouldn't want to be anyone else



tldr my dude

yanks don't even know about kula world lmao

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What a gay cunt

I will me.

haha this
also Jew?

Listening to Jessica lea mayfield

Washington? Ok i guess, doesn't hold a candle to Monash though.

Did I get you into her with my chart

fuck off sub pop viral marketer

ah yes history told through glamorized quotes

Sounds like Caesar asking for one more campaign

Miss proper ANZAC hours cunt

Bit hard to dive deep into history on 4channel, but I think we can all agree Washington was a great man even if some aspects of his life have been embellished

like browsing Jow Forums
very comfy board

think anyone into twitch is a spastic child

Solid opinion

We've been discussing history here since Jow Forums was created.

Cromwell > Washington

Simple as.

6 foot 8 weighs a fucking ton

not aware of this chart
I think Sicily linked her here a few months ago


Objectively true, show me any of wellingtons victory’s on the scale of this. Without French help of course ;)

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Ah I post this a lot

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Ulysses Grant >Washington

Yes and look how quick it degenerates into patriotic shitflinging

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Arthur Wellesley changed Europe. Although... Cromwell changed the colonies with Irish indentured through transported servitude.


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Don’t know why yanks wank off Washington so hard then they have actual good generals

bluebelly scum

Nah, he didn't want one more campaign. He voluntarily handed over complete control of the military:
>Happy and pleased with the opportunity afforded the United States of becoming a respectable Nation, I resign with satisfaction the Appointment I accepted. I consider it an indispensable duty to close this last solemn act of my Official life. Having now finished the work assigned me, I take my leave of public life.

King George III heard about this and called Washington the "greatest man of the age" and "the most distinguished living man."

The first — the last — the best—
The Cincinnatus of the West.
Whom envy dared not hate,
Bequeath'd the name of Washington,
To make man blush there was but one!
- Byron

With each day of Terry Davis' passing I feel like I'm gradually descending to the level of a dumb nigger monkey

Washington, fuck I’m going to sleep

We were traditionally Jow Forumsite

where is the woman you love?
where is the man you respect?

Yeah I agree, I meant the whole tone of the quote, no one is arguing that Washington wasn’t an outstanding individual.



Both are asleep

Grant was all right. Not his biggest fan. Sherman was more influential

We wank off all our generals. Even obscure ones. IIRC, there's at least 1 biography written for every civil war commander, so thousands of books that will only get read probably once every 20 years

Cromwell was a pretty legit general, he also fucked up the Irish and the Scots which is always good

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holy fuckkk
this looks good

50 years of colonials breeding cheap Irish girls with expensive African slaves. Ah yes mulattos.
We were hey stop that, it's immoral and we're not getting paid

Cromwell had French help. Lol.

I used to like Cromwell. but the more I learned about him, the less I liked him.

Have yanks ever actually fought a war against a non-backwater without someone else doing 80% of the work?
Seems to follow on from the traditions of Perfidious Albion.

you're missing the point he invited outcast moneylenders into Britain

>Don’t know why yanks wank off Washington so hard
Then you must be fucking thick.

>Fuck knows, I'm past caring, it's like the living dead in here. Theresa May is the sole architect of this mess. It is her inability to engage in the most basic human interactions that brought us here. Cabinet has totally broken down. Ministers say their bit, she gives nothing away. One side thinks X will happen, the other side thinks Y will happen, and the Prime Minister decides on Z.

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Civil War

isn't that then the Queen's issue for not stepping in?

never actually happened
it was poor english people who were principally sent as indentured servants

everyone blaming may is a spastic
shes just a scapegoat
blame the retards who voted leave

Your flag with this post is funny. Unlike your aboriginals, our aboriginals were anything but lazy and fat. They developed entire cultures on flaying their enemies and welcomed war with glee and weren't scared to invade white man's land. They resisted the white advance for centuries, and not just Americas

we've been calmly waging a quadruple front war on the other side of the world for the past 20 years, so I think we are capable of holding our own


Okay let's wrap this up
Historical generals of renown
Feel free to add.
Arthur Wellesley
George S Patton
Special mention Erwin Rommel

seen some tremendous demonstrations of hatposting in recent moments

>intermittently shooting savages
so that's a no then

how about that suez crisis LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

yanks really ruined the planet after that one

Remember when the guy did the thing? but 500 years ago

>perfidious albion

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Savage, they were, but they weren't your nigger abos you'll find in Australia. Our native's fighting spirit, resistance, and warfare is well known all over the world, so no need to explain

the only person on that list worthy to be there is Alexander

Give me one good reason America shouldn’t be handed back to the native tribes

Really quite a humiliating moment for the UK

what is the point of suppressors on guns?

All sources are verified. It isn't widely advertised because might make you lads angry again

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That’s a big hat

need to find a qt that's going to let me be the little spoon


Mate can you go be retarded somewhere else?

Patton was a god stfu

to suppress feelings of inadequacy

ya on your part

it was nonsense made up by white supremacists in america

Bunch of savages innit?

>Moorish news
Post the verified sources


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>Moorish news

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The pdf is on several sites. It's just laid out best there. It is funny that it's Moorish news, true

Native Americans are a peaceful spiritual people

You've obviously never seen a reservation.

The sources are cited in the book dipshit. Look at the chapters lol. Read it

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It’s true
They are a kind people, at one with nature

>Native Americans are a peaceful spiritual people
*breathes in*

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imagine being a roman soldier on a fucking boat and its fucking pelting it down and youve been sent to the place of the wild men youve been fighting for years in gaul that you know nothing about except this is wild men on fucking steroids home of the druids in angelsey and stonehenge and that but youre going to take it for the glory of rome and ceaser and your bit of gold and spoils and power in a new land fucking mad that

its literally just not true and has been debunked by liam hogan
the irish were never slaves and were never bred as "mulattoes"

for you

literally a zainichi hapa baka

Yeah ceaser got beat in Britton so lamo

How does Liam debunk the records of ships sent to the colonies pray tell? The rough conditions that made them eject the Irish into the Atlantic? This happened lol. The law Britain passed banning the creation of mulattos? That exists.