Aside from sushi, what is some other international cuisine which is overrated? Which is underrated?
Aside from sushi, what is some other international cuisine which is overrated? Which is underrated?
Jacob Rodriguez
Lincoln Collins
Poutine = overrated.
Soggy french fries really don’t deserve a second though.
Jace Barnes
If this was supposed to be bait, I don't even give a fuck.
Ethan Powell
Yea I’m baiting so hard. We all know that soggy french fries are an incredible delicacy.
Nathaniel Sanchez
Pizza. Even if you load it up with toppings it's still mostly just shitty bread.
Alexander Murphy
Stick to your pies and mash, faggo
Nathan Hill
>Pizza. Even if you load it up with toppings it's still mostly just shitty bread.
Isaiah Edwards
Ryan Fisher
Unironically this
>i am canadian don't make fun of my disgusting french fry "cuisine" :(
James Barnes
They literally have nothing besides soggy french fries and kraft mac n cheese made in a sink. Pathetic nation full of pathetic individuals.