Why is this country and its people so fucking useless lmao?

Why is this country and its people so fucking useless lmao?

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I’ve yet to figure this out myself user

Was a Mexican racist against you?

Attached: wtf Mexicans racist.png (1080x1609, 1.58M)

Attached: mexico unmasked.jpg (296x289, 17K)

Mabye its because of a high amount of corruption in the government, high violence rates, a terrible education system and a culture that glorifies crime.
But I'm not so sure.

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Mexicans are nice posters

This, fuck off ching chong OP. We have competent workers here, sadly they get hired from other countries since you can't earned shit here.

Redpill me in Sonora and Nayarit.
Is Tepic a nice city?

Suck my dick you fucking chink

>tfw a chink nation who had millions of tons of napalm and bombs dropped on their people and slaughtered in mass, are still somehow more successful than nations who've had 200 years of independence.