Emma edition
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feel for wingsofredemption lads
I think this just about covers it lads, really encapsulates it all
komodo joe big block xl charcoal lumps
Why haven't Rockstart ported GTAIV?
On more specific issues of personal morality, young people worldwide reveal themselves to be supporters of diversity, equality and liberal values across the world ? even when those values run contrary to the laws of their country.
Nearly two-thirds of young people believe that same-sex marriage should be legal (63%).
(In India and South Korea around half of young people support same-sex marriage despite the fact that it is currently illegal in those countries.)
On gender equality, the world’s young people are also surprisingly unified.
Nine in ten (89%) young people believe men and women should be treated equally.
The countries where young people were most committed to gender equality were the very different societies of Canada and China.
Damn, we live in a society.
1000 words
Think the ex gf has found a new job near my abode. Seen her in the street a couple of times.
gonna say it
gonna say the n-word
thought u meant a different n word
u caught me off guard there
haha thought you were gonna say something else
Need my ballbag battered by an Emma Watson gf.
have been subliminally training the proto-gf to be my actual gf for some time now but progress has been slow going
further study is required
she's stalking you
Idea: Start using the word queer to describe anything peculiar
some fat shit streamer who has a group of literally 1k+ people ruining his life
clicking on a weblink
have not seen rorke since this tweet was posted
genuinely concerned now
is tekashi six nine still in jail
will never catch on
Yeah? Click on this
*shits on your mouse*
I'm a white male
Ooga booga wypipo be raycis
what am i supposed to do? sit and feel bad about it?
in a few years just saying this will be against the law
bit rude that poor fella was just about to eat some cheese and have a go on his wheel
Investing in Niggercoin lads
my condolences
who wants walnuts
Need you out of business
t. Leftypol white male enamoured with wogs
Shank them probably
can it moni
crush my nuts I beg you
*picks up your mouse and bites his head clean off and spits it at you tossing the body over my shoulder as I walk off*
Going to start writing/saying probably as problably and see if it catches on.
lad that was a brand new usb mouse
Is this inadvertently racist?
Monkey with hands on his ears etc.
Did a cook
Oh fuck off
How can a black man beracist exactly?
briefly outline your business strategy and the target demographic please
the time starts now
Jesus Christ delete this mate, fucking hell
Any rave man in?
good but whats wth the little kid plate?
Why is it bad?
kinda high lads
I shall problably be venturing onto public forums and spaces and market me product. Me target audience is a broad demographic that includes anybody aged 60 or under (problably)
coming right up
Fackin ell. Bit much.
Going to a run™ in the park™ in ten mins and I'll stop at the cafe™ on the way back for a full english™ I think.
ARe you actual for real or just a manlet?
No my mouth is watering and I can't be bothered cooking
It's a large plate, just close up
not a fan of those big mushrooms me
prefer the swiss brown experience
High on life and the love for our lord and saviour Jesus Christ (No homo)
Lad, believe me, that's not a large plate. The mushroom takes up 1/4 of the plate, a normal plate wouldn't
what chopped tomatoes are they
they look thicker than usual
I usually like chestnut mushrooms but the big ones feel appropriate for a fry up
penger than peng
>1.97 MB
fucking hell
here's one re-encoded to a more reasonable size for my fellow battlers
I mean, I would smash it and I would enjoy it, but you don't need that much food in one go really, unless you're geoff capes.
how long does London to Liverpool take on the train?
Doug mate give it a rest
Eggs could have done with a bit longer
you are a manlet then
Might problably do a sleep lads
poo lads, poo
is bing malfunctional?
haven't had many hot breakfasts in my time
The post that changed Britain
based good one melvin
Was on Jow Forumsukpolitics and some scot mentioned how much scotland is better than england at making immigrants feel at home which helps them integrate. Then someone pointed out Scotland has next to zero immigrants and is 96% white so it makes sense they don't have large ethnic ghettos like England then lots of scots started lying about they hardly ever see a white face and they love it because they're good liberals unlike the english. All clearly SNP supporters. It is a mad world were nationalism means wanting to replace your own people in your lads just to spike another group of people you see as your rival or some shit.
Between 2h15m and 2h30m
going to vomit
for the better
>Was on Jow Forumsukpolitics
The synth chords made me feel fulfilled and that I was living my life to the fullest.
Then it was gone.
once posted something on r/ukp but got cornered by a gang of trannies who immediately showed up
don't know why a uk politics subreddit has so many trannies but they're absolutely everywhere for some reason
You have to go back to 'ddit rorke
Sometimes I sleep in not because I'm tired, but because if I set an alarm every 5 minutes I can dream for longer
Anyone else do this?
To be honest all the yank-centric media ruckus about how dangerous and right-wing nationalism just loses all umph when you hit Scotland.
Peeled plum tomatoes
It's a 10 1/2" / 26cm plate.
Do girls match guys on tinder solely for instagram followers.
Seem to matxh some piffies but they only have instagram on their bios
if scotland don't keep freedom of movement they will leave the UK. their economy relies on migrant workers
most of scotland fucking hate us anyway so whatever
*puts on my freestyling voice*
ja skritty bom
skritty bom da ditty
skritty bom re
re redditty!
Over the past six months I've stolen $300-500 worth of wine, liquor and regrettably benadryl (since stopped using, its an awful drug.) I think I've gotten really good at shoplifting. my tips:
1. Look the part. don't look antisocial. Be clean and well dressed, preferably white, but not too well dressed. Get the dead look out of your eyes. Try to put on a smile. Walk erect and with purpose, the anxiety is gonna make you wanna speed walk straight to the goods but don't. Walk normally.
2. Do not make eye contact or look at the workers. Normal shoppers don't unless they need something, do not fucking talk to the people because it can look weird and this is the no. 1 idiot advice on shoplifting. Do not talk to or engage the workers. You're a ghost.
2. Walk at a normal pace to where the item is, grab it, either conceal it immediately or walk to an aisle where there's no one, and conceal it. This is the real risk moment. There's nothing you can do to stop someone randomly rounding the corner and seeing you stealing. Once its concealed without event just take the back of the aisles to the exit and stroll out. Oh yeah, wear clothing that makes it look like you're not able to conceal anything. I do this in jeans and a t shirt. Never wear a coat or sweater or anything like that. Never have a backpack or any kind of bag, it puts you on security's radar. Oh yeah, on cameras and blindspots, this brings me to my next point
3. Do not shoplift at places you know to have security. Big chains will have security. Grocery stores in affluent neighborhoods often don't have security in my anecdotal experience, granted, no rule is 100 percent when it comes to theft. If you walk in and see dummy domes instead of real cameras, no place where a security office can be, no one doing aggressive customer service checks or a big hulking dude walking around with an empty shopping cart, you know there's probably no security. No real cameras, so no need to worry about blindspots. 1/?
Need me plums peeled
they crave control since they have none in their real lives as they spiral downward
Is Craig David /brit/ approved?
Dont think immigrants are bad people per se .
get yourself a nice northern bint doug that'll settle ya
>tfw career ruined by some twat in a rubber mask
Loads of girls use tinder as an advert for their insta and nothing more, hence the abundance of "don't really use this get me on IG ;)" profiles. They just want followers.
But seriously you should delete Tinder. It is mind cancer.
no, sleep is a waste of time