>tfw 5'11, going to get absolutely mogged by giant Dutch grills next when I go to Utrecht for work
Tfw 5'11, going to get absolutely mogged by giant Dutch grills next when I go to Utrecht for work
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be glad man
utrecht is the easiest city on earth to get laid
visit Pakhuis
is dit de nieuwe nederdraad
I'm 175 and I fucked plenty women. It's not really that hard when you'rent autistic and live at a good place
Get over it fag
dutch girls love arabs, youll be ok
They fucked you not the other way around.
How can one language sound so awful? Yikes
Die, normalfags.
atleast youre not 166cm in the netherlands
?? I have the dick so it doesn't work like that
literally just go out bro
i doubt sheilas are hard to woo
imagine saying this as a poortuguese
Dutch women didn't seem tall to me imo and I'm 5'8
yeah our women arent that tall
some are though and im glad because i find tall women hot, especially the combination of tall+thicc
lmao most of women see you as a subhuman
167 here. have you considered migrating? you could probably live very comfortably in a shorter country with Dutch salaries/education
It isn't as bad as the memes might make you think, especially in foreigner-filled cities like Utrecht.
You probably will see a giant every once in a while, but it is not as if everyone will mog you
>literally just go out bro
>i doubt sheilas are hard to woo