What the fuck hungary? censorship, really?

what the fuck hungary? censorship, really?

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>Commie newspaper insults leader of a country
>Lol why do you want to remove it

Kys braindead

Good thing I live in the U S of A where that's unconstitutional

šc vn iz moje niti, j*nšovc

Jebi si mater komunajzersko sojafantic

>be Slovene
>Protray Orbán as a nazi (remember his people were sent to gas chambers during the Porajmos)
>Orbán says could you please not do this?

So like do you get arrested if you bully him?

If this is the truth then I'm with that lad

But you caused the holocaust

No, I'm not german

What are you?

he acts like a fascist, speaks like a fascist, why not caricature him as a nazi?
you that orban's party funds the slovenian right-wing party AND their media outlets?

it wasn't "could you please stop"
>"the Embassy strongly believes that the cover [...] exceeds the principles of the freedom of press as well as that of the freedom of expression ... and requests the assistance of the esteemed Ministry to prevent similar incidents to happen in the future.”
they literally want the government to censor a journalistic publication

>>Lol why do you want to remove it

Yes, why do you want to remove it?

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USA can take care of censorship for you

I'm an Alamancı

I 100% aprove of Orban.

orbán only wishes to be this good looking


>he acts like a fascist, speaks like a fascist, why not caricature him as a nazi?
He is a fascist because I don't like him

>you that orban's party funds the slovenian right-wing party AND their media outlets?
So? Why can't people give money to fund their interests?


his statements include:
multculti is a "communist conspiracy", we must protect traditional christian values from outside threats, he believes in george soros conspiracies, immigration will destroy europe and is funded by soros etc.
in hungary he has limited the freedom of press also
the fact he directly funds media in another country and his government is trying to censor a foreign publication shows he is afraid of criticism

And hes absolutely right in all he says,cry more faggot

Why do you, leftist moron, care what a democratically elected leader of a foreign country does in it?

>hurrdurr why don't you accept 6 billion migrants YOU FUCKING NAZI
Shut up

because his slimy hands are involved in our politics as well? you're just lying now

wew very based opinions my lads xD the wall just got 10 feet higher amirite? shadilay

>multculti is a "communist conspiracy"
He never said that. Only that it's harmful and dangerous, which is true.
>we must protect traditional christian values from outside threats
And he's right.
>he believes in george soros conspiracies
It's 4 years after the beginning of the migrant crisis, and some people STILL believe Soros is just an old, innocent philanthrope? lmao
>immigration will destroy europe and is funded by soros
And he's right.

nice cope retard

Look, I don't give a shit how many immigrants outher countries accept, but stop trying to force them on us. We already have enough problems with the gypsies.

Pic related is what you stated, answer me what gives you the right to care about what he has said or done about his own country?

And every country's politics are influenced by others, commie idiot, thats why you have international alliances between european parties of the same ideology.

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Mulri culti is bad. Soros funds leftists
In Hungary there is free media. You are retard, if you think otherwise.
Everybody funds media outlets to promote their agenda, if Orbán does it, it's evil.
Wanting somebody not protray him as a nazi is basic human decency.

Kindly reminder that Hitler was also a democratically elected leader. Fuck Orban, OP is right.

Who cares anyway. It's not that Orban has any legislative or executive powers in Slovenia.

A classic

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>democracy is good only if people vote for muh favourite politician
kys retard

Nice strawman you got here faggot

was meant for

Democracy was a mistake

Should be the same here with La Stampa, L'Espresso and La Repubblica commie jewspapers

>Orbán is funding slovene far right and its media

Excuse me, what the fuck? Why?

>he acts like a fascist, speaks like a fascist

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>Hitler bad
>democracy also bad

>hitler was democratically elected
>democracy is bad
pick both

so much for the freeze peach right

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Yes, I likewise am a sympathiser of communist monarchism found in best korea

Good choice at picking the worst example. Gaddafi did nothing wrong. And China will be the next superpower.

Hungary is a dictatorship, what did you expect?

Ahh yes, wise words from a bugchink expat from family that can afford to send you away from BASED AND RICH CHINA, inshallah all you bug people will get stomped soon enough

Pizda si pozen. I would expel the bitch and tell she can suck Orbans shit covered dick.

Zakaj sovražiš svobodo govora?

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Rightxwing in Slovakia is too fragmented so Orbán can’t exploit it for his own ends like with SDS in Slovenia. Maybe we’re just too big for Hungary.

Why are you like this, user? I'm not Chinese but it is an undeniable fact that China will become the strongest country, while the USA are busy with left vs. right fights. And I only brought up China because you implied that when there isn't a democracy, there is a dictatorship. I'm more in favor of a Technocracy

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Ah yes, I feel so oppressed every fucking day

>he beleives that Caputova wasn't elected by Orbán
>he thinks that Hugnarian agents aren't fighting the forces of the Indo European
>he thinks that Orbán and Soros are enemies
>he doesn't beleive in the Hugnarian Master Plan


oppression is not a requirement for a dictatorship

SDS is not far right tho, it's a mainstream party that commands a plurality of votes in this country.

>it's a dictatorship if a guy I don't like is in power

>Orbán needs allies to restore the real borders
>Orbán has money
>Orbán funds Slovene mercenaries to do his bidding

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>ko obenem kritiziraš "komuniste" in zagovarjaš komunistične ukrepe
Baziran Janševik

>"wtf don't call us fascists :((("
why are Huns such jokes?

not going to happen ever

>orbán has money
how cool! i work 60+ hours a week and can't afford a fucking pc

>there are more people living in budapest than in slovenia