People like Portugal

People like Portugal

Attached: 43267_Zrtwgbid.png (600x600, 149K)

it's ok

Does Portugal like People?

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Attached: 9d9b7a7b2880ed21269e56028dcc5308c04933813d1a0892b4f1f64f38fc3a6f.gif (500x313, 445K)

lie, you dont like me

You're not people

Attached: tenor (12).gif (220x218, 1.46M)

You aight white boi

we don´t like chimpanzee

yes we are arabs and somali and inuit too

Attached: portugal_beiras030400.jpg (1080x720, 446K)

that's why i keep pissing off mouros

Not cool, stop bulli please.
Everyone deserves to be liked

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Fisting is... 300$

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I'm gonna imigrate to your fucking country now. And I'm bringing my whole family



Attached: brazil_uhueheuehup000293q15-0022.jpg (480x360, 52K)

we have no bananas here mate, go to another place

>no bananas

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Based make sure to impregnate as many portuguese women as you can

I love Brasil, you are my friends.

Também têm posters muito fofos...

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I have no fucking idea what it's like.

you have to go back


non europeans are a plague into europa.

Só mesmo pic related é que dizem isso..

Attached: pessoal do porto.jpg (320x320, 8K)

and that is a good thing

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claro imigra, eu sou de Setúbal e vejo bastante bem a merda que esses cabo verdianos e brasucas fazem em Portugal, na bela vista por exemplo, e são burros que doí.

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that gif is epic

Attached: z02_germany--portuguese-sold_funeral_wwii19np208xx11xu.jpg (400x282, 28K)

The first guy from that gif looks like a ghost.

t. Alberto Barbosa

That's a blue division soldier?


Are you telling me you wouldn't let a cute Brazilian girl (male) in just because they're not European?

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