
2.How to achieve this in your country?

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Met a cute twink a week or so ago. We'll se maybe >me on the right soon

cutepost like the finns on Jow Forums

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Let's talk about advantages of vaginal sex.

Vaginas are self-lubricating, self-cleaning, can stretch, clamp down on your dick, provide optimal friction, excrete pheromones to make you horny, when close to ovulation.

You don't tear the vagina up, when fucking a woman. You don't cause micro tearing that will make spreading STDs a lot more likely. You don't need lube. She doesn't need to change her entire diet, to make the vagina into a fuckable hole. She is always ready and doesn't make a disgusting mess.

And that's just vaginas. Now let's talk about the girl attached to it.

>bonds wth you and stays loyal (if she didn't have a lot of previous sexual partners)
>you can hug her in public without feeling akward and it being completly socially acceptable
>you can kiss her in public without feeling akward and it being completly socially acceptable
>you can date her in public without feeling akward and it being completly socially acceptable
>and most importantly: You can hold her hand in public
>you can introduce her to your parents
>pua is never something that people look at you disgusted and weird
>old people might watch you caress each other and think about their own youth back in the day
>you don't need to leave her or cuck yourself and adopt to create a family
>you will never have perpetually low self-confidence and strive for you and your partner to be seen as normal, but no matter how much everyone tolerates you, you most of all will still feel like there is something wrong with you

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It's impossible

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Hmmm I don't really know but another seemingly cute Israeli added me so maybe I will achieve it

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Me on the right

If you're the one that I've talked to before I hope it works out you're a cutie :3

Talked to before?
Hmm I don't know, but I'm the usual gayposter if that helps.

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Anyone else really scared of the fact that vaginas quite literally bleed out and let out unborn kids(unfertilized eggs) EVERY 4 WEEKS

yes it's pretty gross

Well if you've been part of certain discord group you know me
Even if that's not the case I hope you all the best :3

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Imagine being so repressed that you need to rationalize why having sex with women is superior to having sex with men. So anal sex is gross and being heterosexual is more socially acceptable than being gay. If you found a partner with who you could engage in non-anal sexual acts and lived in a country where being gay was socially acceptable would you consider coming out of the closet?

I was in the int discord for a bit and left because some guy was harassing me because of Israel Palestine shit , otherwise I'm not in any other discord.

I must say I really enjoy reporting fag threads on Jow Forums and then seeing them upset because they got deleted. It makes my heart warm.

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By downloading grindr

What did you meet another Israeli in some int discord or something? I'm the one with the bear picture.

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I know
You're the one I'm talking about, I just wish all the best for you :)


wish I knew...

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wish i knew, but it seems like every time i go out nowadays, there's at least one cute asian boy who winks at me or turns away blushing

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Oh, thank you!
Good luck yourself smol Finn

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No idea but I hope to find someone who will learn to love me for me so I can learn to love them for them and live a long and cozy life together.

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I don't know. I don't know any cute boys where I live that are also gay, only me. It sucks and I get lonely, I guess Grindr would get me easy sex but that's not what I want

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I wish I knew...