1/ Your country
2/ What do you think of France's newly aquired colony, a.k.a. Ireland?
1/ Your country
2/ What do you think of France's newly aquired colony, a.k.a. Ireland?
I'm happy now we make them learn French, gib redhead Irish gf
Why would we do this? The French are OPPRESSING our Celtic brothers in Bretagne
I think it"s get closer to Bretagne to be honest…
Fake news. Bretagne is literally the 3rd most Relevant Region after Normandie and Ile-de-France, and contrary to all other régions (except Provence but changed name though) who got weirdly mixed, aside from Loire-Atlantique, Bretagne kept its historical territory and identity. Bretagne, Normandie and Ile-de-France are the Holy Trinity and core of France
This article is everything wrong with the British media. Making up a narrative to tell their readers and neglecting the reality of the situation.
Leo isn't currying favor with Macron to get him to support our backstop. Having the most powerful EU actors appear to support Ireland is a symbolic action that EU heads proposed, to strengthen it's negotiating position.
This article just decides to ignore that and report some fantasy, just so it can correctly point out that the broader French agenda wouldn't be good for Ireland. We know, but it has nothing to do with this.
This isn't just bad reporting, the author is either writing in bad faith or mentally ill.
Bretons have two digits IQs and are as cancerous Parisians indeed
yes, yes...but WE are celts, so it's alright
what about Le Centre?
Does that mean i can enslave a cute twink redhead bf
Did you actually even read the fucking thing? Becuase your post siggest s you didn't.
>Only a cynic would suggest that this is a calculated two fingers to Brexit Britain. Only the mean-spirited would suggest that little Leo will do anything to suck up to the top gang in the EU playground. He is going to need to, of course, if he wants to hang on to his nation’s cosy corporate tax deals once the Brits are no longer around to help fight Ireland’s corner against big EU tax reforms.
The article clearly states this decision is clearly a hope to hang onto your status as a tax-haven, that's all. The backstop is mentioned once, and says nothing even close to what you said about it.
Fucking disgusting little victim-complex you got going on there Paddy.
oh, shit, my dick was not ready for this
Now I understand anglos
that writer's seething
we should start our own club, GLOBAL GAELTACHT WHEN
>Bretagne is literally the 3rd most Relevant Region after Normandie and Ile-de-France
>they are the Holy Trinity and core of France
Rhône-Alpes would like to have a word with you. Lyon was the first historical capital of "France" too.
Anglo are stupid. They don't understand that Francophonie is about the language, while commonwealth is about the former colonial empire.
They make the confusion at the very beginning of OP's article :
>the Paris–based organisation for those bits of the world once ruled by the French
Can someone explain to me when was Switzerland a French colony?
>more contact with qt redheads
yes please
Are you not even going to try and defend this garbage post of yours?
it's still pretty funny that non-French speaking countries care to 'observe'
I think your in for a bad surprise.
Cope from the angloid, the largest french colony of all time