Why are French girls like this?

Why are French girls like this?

Attached: 1540244350234.webm (600x360, 2.67M)

Where can I find a Chinese girl exactly like that?

I don't want ching chong bugs, I want authentic natural girl

Mainlanders love to eat orange

Imagine being french and not having a gf h-haha

I honestly don't see the point of hook-ups, you can literally do the same thing with a fleshlight and porn, without even an ounce of the effort.
Relationships, on the otherhand, is shit you can't replicate, so I'm gonna go for those.

Attached: 15697413_779888275483279_2241526958086175328_n.png (715x488, 223K)

anything less than a 7/10 and fapping is better

Gib opinionated chinese gf

This woman is lathered in make up mr incel

she's not, we can see her bare features

Most women are roastie