Why are mutts in Brazil afraid to be black?

Why are mutts in Brazil afraid to be black?

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She looks like your mother, that one I used to fuck.

my mom's much uglier than her

I love it when girls wear shoes like that and the socks are showing

because Brazil is racist, you guys don't know shit about racism in Brazil

Because they are not BLACK, they have been tainted by white devil blood.

most black people in the world have been "tainted" by white blood.

Almost all African Americans. North Africans. You motherfuckers.

Isn't racism structural?

How can you say it's a racist country when black phenotypes are the ones who have quotas at public universities and jobs?

Wrong. The Turkish Ubermansch is 100% BLACK and wh*te subhumans die upon feasting their eyes on his shiny ebony hide

Yes they are. Their phnotype is black. They look black.

Pardos aren't black, they are their own race.
Bahianos and nordestinos are different types of chimp

>let me tell you about your country
Black people here don't bleach their hair because they want to be white, they do it because it looks stylish.
The ones who do it to look whiter are light brown and "white" sluts.

>Pardos aren't black, they are their own race.
if you have black skin. You're a nigger in my book. It's simple.

to your credit she does look pretty good with that hair

Pardos can be any color, it's unrelated to blackness. But then again: Those in OP's picture have the black phenotype. They look black.

I just want a qt girl with black skin, asian eyes, and blonde hair. Is that too much to ask?

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Black people are the most hated people on earth, they get treated worse than anyone else throughout history and police here shoot them for having cell phones. People are obsessed with hating them and there exist groups whose purpose is to hurt/kill them. Of course people would be scared to be black.

Your racist double standards are showing. And that's the problem with blacks.

>Asian eyes
She's just squinting bro

well this is only because white people just so happen to be on top right now. They've been having a very good couple of millennia.

shitskins outnumber them. if they just took the black pill and rose up, they could do whatever the fuck they want.
