
Oley valley edition

Attached: oleyvalleystonebarn.jpg (1280x951, 430K)

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Pennsylvania is not a member of the Northeast.

yes it is

No, it is not.
Pathetic LARPer.

are you thinking of new england you confused little virgin?


Attached: 9336767795_7d5441c8e5_o.jpg (599x516, 308K)

No matter how many irrelevant maps you show me, Pennsylvania and New Jersey will never be part of the Northeast.
No. Fucking retard.

Attached: 0402191000.jpg (1280x720, 393K)

lovely house there on the left

is north east england allowed?

Attached: whydurham.jpg (960x491, 99K)

The fuck is an England

i am your father lol

Attached: england.jpg (960x538, 67K)

I like the English
and I like stone buildings

and no matter how ignorant you choose to be the fact remains that they are part of the Northeast

If you don't live in the Midwest or Northeast, you're neither American nor white.

Attached: 1548706646224.png (785x757, 161K)

It's out on an island with only like 5 other buildings all further up the river.
Wish I'd had my camera and not my shitty old phone with me.

If I lived a bit further South I'd be in the North-West.

No, your bumfuck state is not a part of the Northeast. Get over it you pathetic yokel.

I dont even live in penn or nj kek, i just have a functioning brain, would you like to borrow it at some point?

Maritimes posters are allowed

ny, pa, and ne are all northeast
ny and pa and nj are mid-atlantic

I said north-west you illiterate yuppie

You can't be mid-Atlantic and Northeast.


*reverse carpetbags*

Attached: northeast_loop_21.gif (800x600, 1.51M)

All of England is allowed

get that shit outta here

Attached: winter is over.png (798x986, 214K)


my family used to summer on lake damariscotta in maine
ever been there?

Yep, had a job site last summer near the southern bit. Got kinda lost trying to get to Alna

making jello


might hike in the adirondacks this summer lads
want to do a week thing of just going across the park

post route

still haven't decided, I'd like to do the Trans-Adirondack route or at least part of it but the guys I was planning it with seem to have something else in mind
pretty sure they're going to flake out and I don't know if I want to do an extended hiking-camping trip by myself

did janny autosage this

no these threads very rarely take off they tend to do best around shifts in seasonable weather as people can then talk about that
but we don't really have a posting culture or seemingly much to discuss

favorite americana?

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probably american graffiti