Who wants in on the class action? It's time this jungle chink pays for his dishonesty.
Who wants in on the class action? It's time this jungle chink pays for his dishonesty
Leave the ladyboys alone racist
No refunds thanks for playing kid ;)
Anyone else looking back and thinking how silly it was that leddit thought there was a secret apple partnership because of a skateboard?
migger keeps reposting threads because he is called out every time
You're the migger shut up
the fuck are you gonna say? You paid for an international digital currency with a risk section in the pres-sale that outlined the risks for the investment?
Your lawyer is going to say you are a fucking retard, or a migger. Probably both
yeah the legal system just loves jungle scammers :rollseyes:
these punks should be in prison
Did you read the pre-sale? No liability. Your fictitious lawyers will just waste more of your money
i didnt buy the presale
see that loophole
>up to 700 dollar per coin
Also blame king pajeet Teeka for shilling this shit.
more like brain damage tier idiotic
Spotted the migger.
There’s no way you’re not schizophrenic.
Bro we're all miggers according to the migger hunter.
spotted reddit
Kek. That was funny.
Took you long enough spot Reddit you migger. Jow Forums has been Reddit for a while now.
>migger hunter
So you literally don't even have a relationship with them.
You can only collect from that anonymous bag dumper you bought from.
Who ALSO gave you no warranty
You got gookd.
Hello james edward
Daily reminder omise threatened to sue the miggers ass and he quickly retreated to anonymously shit posting on Jow Forums
Daily reminder the only person actually confirmed to be trolling OMG threads every day to sprout bullshit is the guy who accuses literally everyone of being the migger