Write a short poem on why Ireland shouldn’t be nuked. Haikus are not allowed

Write a short poem on why Ireland shouldn’t be nuked. Haikus are not allowed.

Attached: Ireland.png (470x232, 3K)

Oh, Ireland the land of the green
Where leprechauns and pots of gold run free
But I don't know a licking about fishing, no-siree!
And the famine has gotten ahold of me!

Ireland is shit
But at least they're not Brits


They aren’t petrol huffing goons
Like those Australian loons

Your toxic breath assails my nostrils.
Your country is laughing stock
stocked of assholes.

They have cute redheads with big boobs.

said the duke
do not nuke
the land
of ireland

The Irish are a bit of a rowdy lot,
With a capital that smells like a piss pot,
But the land is so fair,
Blessed with God's great care,
So does it matter that they're not quite Camelot?

good thread

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As the redhead lad got on his knees
He begged please
He undid my pants and worked my head
Please spare my farm and family Seamus said

Rolling green
extolling dream
times unseen
human bean

Dirt covered niggers of
The British Isles they may be,
Potato eating subhumans,
Filled with childish glee.

But one quiet day,
In the future yet untold,
The white niggers will rise,
A mighty force to behold.

Anglo woman under arm,
With Queens face defaced,
The Potato Niggers declared:
The Master Race.

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One potato two potato three potato four
Five potato six potato seven potato more
Oh wait...

It is true saying then, that the Anglos are poets unequalled

Ginger fever
Is my failure
I like freckles as well
Pls don't kill me
IRA gangster



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Best poem by far

When nights were cold and towns were old
And gingers all a quiver
I dropped them bombs on paddy goms
And send them all down river

Attached: nuclear bird.jpg (480x440, 19K)

This is actually good