I put all my savings into this...I keep playing the situation out in my mind over and over

I put all my savings into this...I keep playing the situation out in my mind over and over....

There's no way out. I've failed...

Attached: IMG_0542.png (680x443, 227K)

Come on Sergey don’t be so hard on yourself

Just leave it, learn some skills, get a hobby, do not give up. CL will be the shit soon enough.

it was just a meme, you weren't supposed to actually buy it

wonder how many newfags actually fell for the scheming pajeets?

Weak hands will never make it

Nobody on biz actually owns Chainlink

I can't believe you losers actually convinced people to buy this shit. Do you have any conscience?

The only savings Sergey has are his excess calories

this but unironically