I put all my savings into this...I keep playing the situation out in my mind over and over....
There's no way out. I've failed...
I put all my savings into this...I keep playing the situation out in my mind over and over....
There's no way out. I've failed...
Come on Sergey don’t be so hard on yourself
Just leave it, learn some skills, get a hobby, do not give up. CL will be the shit soon enough.
it was just a meme, you weren't supposed to actually buy it
wonder how many newfags actually fell for the scheming pajeets?
Weak hands will never make it
Nobody on biz actually owns Chainlink
I can't believe you losers actually convinced people to buy this shit. Do you have any conscience?
The only savings Sergey has are his excess calories
this but unironically
Anyone else notice the massive spike in fud the last couple days? It's coordinated, DYOR
>Nobody on biz actually owns Chainlink
I do.
no amount research can save the sats..... make it stop
Why would you admit this? Lmaoing
No we're all just sick of your scammy Russian philosophy tokens polluting our Chilean fishnet weaving board.
Ark makes Link obsolete.
In terms of justing, yes
Yes I have, it's been so obvious. Really low quality stuff too
Can't believe people really bought a meme thinking it was a good investment.
dont you feel ashamed to be an absolute asshole?
now seriously what in hell make you give your hard earned money to pajeets?
stop larping
Hey where do you fudders come from? Where's the discord?
I heard the same shit when it was $1+
you're delusional bro. no one is trying to steal your Linkies
why didn't you listen to black amex card guy when you had the chance
Look at all these 1PBTID. Obvious as fuck. I see these fuckers spike up for a few days every now and then
They unironically believe that it's just a fud campaign to shake out weak hands. Anyone still holding link at this point is fully delusional, not worth trying to reason with.
nah I think it's just shills being disingenuous
like yeah okay organized fud whatever, but what about all the organized shilling?
You think it's organized? I think it's just shitposters. But I'm but a simple NEET, I've been wrong before. But I still hold a suicide bag of link just in case this really is internet 4.0
Not to shake out weak hands, but as part of p&d groups, which is much worse