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i think discussion is over

I was going to say all women but our mothers, but then I realized that our mothers had to have sex and get creampied for us to be born

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facts. without society's pressure all women would be whores. as if even

>wtf that's mysoguniii!!!! incel!!!! at least I respect my wife's descision to sleep with her bf tonight!!! I love her kids!!!!!!

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i'm not discussing with an incel + indeed your mother is a whore.


HON(k) HON(k)

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This is just banter though right?

You guys don't actually hate all girls do you

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fuck no I love my wife

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only those that don't like me back or don't show interest. fuck those dumb bitches

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Undeniable truth, and if you don't agree with it show me only one woman that's not a whore

yeah I fucked ur mom

rebeu renoi why they are fighting each other

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lost it at 2:05 lmao

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Why is it okay for a man to be a whore but not okay for a woman :(

The truth is...
I'm a time traveler and I fucked YOUR mom in the past

If all women are whores, why are you still virgin?

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is your mother a whore?

if there were no social consequences or stigma then all women would be complete sluts or whores
it's the social backlash when people find out about a girl's slut behaviour that keeps other girls from doing the same

Your mom had sex and got creampied before you were born

i mean when we define a slut as a women who has sex than yeah of course lel

depends on your definition of whore. I don't consider my mother to be a whore. she had like 5 boyfriends before my dad. whereas my dad fucked more than 50 women before my mum. some might consider her a whore though. having sex with 6 different men in her life. I hope to have sex with more than 6 different women in my life..

Correct, but that's not a bad thing.



Anons, I think Croatia has something to say

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haha, yes that is correct.

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I agree but men are as shallow and animal wheb it comes to sex as women so I guess we're all whores

You don't get to whoremonger around then kvetch that women are whores. That's called hypocrisy
>inb4 muh biological differences

Spain, what in the actual fuck. You know that shit is just going to turn you crazy with the hunger.

Wololooo~ Ayeeeooo Wololo

أستمرت الحالة هكذا لمدة تزيد عن نصف ساعة حيث قذفت خلالها مرتين وكل مرة كنت أريد فيها القذف كنت أقول لأمي سينزل حليبي وهي كانت تقوم وتضع زبي في فمها وأقذف فيه وهي تشربه ااااااااااااه ااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااه اااااااااااااااااه وكأنه حليب ممزوج بالشوكولا .. لقد رقصت أمي على زبي وأطفأت نارها عليه وبعد أن قذفت هي أكثر من مرة في رعشات متتالية قامت وقالت لي أيها الكلب أليس هذا أجمل من نيك الكلبة؟.. وكيف لا تستحي على حالك تبخل على أمك بزبك وتعطيعه للكلبة.. سأصبح كلبتك التي تنيكها كل يوم بدلاً عن ابوك الذي أصبح شبه رجل ولا يستطيع أن يفعل شيئاً لقد حرمني من النيك لفترة طويلة وعليك أن تحل محلة لأنك ابنه وواجبك أن تقوم بما كان يقوم به هو.. أذهب وخذ حمام بارد حتى تستعيد نشاطك وستكون من اليوم يا كلب أبن الكلب نياك أمك التي ستكون كلبتك.. وعلى هذا الحال أستمرت علاقتي مع أمي إلى أن توفي والدي نتيجة مرضه وأنا تعددت علاقاتي النسائية وأصبحت لدي خبرة لم ابخل بها على أمي ولتي أشبعتها نياكة إلى اليوم

Discuss what?

Potatoe thot.

Imagine all women being whores and they still wont touch you incels.

not true

all women are whores except my mom

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your mom got creampied by a guy

Is this a typo or do I have a new word to learn?

It's a jewish term for "complaining."
You'll never need to use it.

No my mom is virgin mary. i am sun of god