Do you like cold weather?

Do you like cold weather?

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I've literally never experienced it.

Everywhere but Hawaii gets cold.

Phoenix doesn't.

Love it



Hot weather make me sweat all the time, start to smell bad, grow ACNE at my face, need to take many showers and clean my face. Some night is so hot that's impossible to sleep, my back start to sweat, mosquitoes flies around me.

I need to stay almost naked (like indian) at my own home. I can't catch the sun because I start to scratch myself a lot.

So cold is better.

I hate it, winter is approaching and here in Rio Grande do Sul some night can go as low as 0C and i absolutely hate it. Spring is my favorite, summer is sometimes too hot but still preferable over winter.

But we have to put on a windbreaker or sweater when going out on winter nights.

No, I'm not a nigger with a cold fetish or NEET who never has to go outside in winter.

yes. i can wear flip flops in 30 degree (Fahrenheit) weather


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everebody love

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i remembered on december we had 28°c, so fucking cold i had to bough a jacket

No, I prefer warm weather, I despise winter. When there isn't snow on the ground, everything is just dead and brown.

This is hyperbole, right?

But you can go skiing, It is fun

I live in florida and cant stand this climate. Its cold for about a week out of the year, ok for about 3-4 months, then absolute hell for the rest of the year. Id kill to live in the sub-arctic or some shit.

yup i love cold

No. My black genes makes me have aversion to cold weather.
Jokes apart, the coldest I've experienced was about 16°C and I hated

Dark skinned people probably enjoy cold less than light skinned people.

indifferent unless it involves heavy rain and/or strong winds

10-13°C is perfect for me

30C with 95% humidity is my ultimate. Everything slows down and relaxes.

>Everything slows down and relaxes.
It's called fainting