Why do they still worship Nazis so much?

Why do they still worship Nazis so much?

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t. pierre hyung park, le zainichi

because they're mentally ill

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we have shit education

spotted the zainichi gook

yes GHQ gave to us demonic education

kys zainichi go back korea kim!!

Because they're tojo trash. A simple genocide should fix... them from this planet.

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you were like that before though, mental illness is uniformly endemic to your island only
you can't explain Pearl Harbour otherwise

Losers stick together

we don't though.

some of them having fetish on nazi uniform for fashion.that's it.

Pearl Harbour was inside job of America

do you know 911?

Is not it illegal to ride a bicycle on a pedestrian crossing in Japan? It is illegal in South Korea. Anyway, riding a bicycle on a driveway is dangerous and stupid. I have experienced an accident when riding a bicycle.

>keeps driving

Actually the yanks wanted you to do it, and you got baited

we don't. we've always embraced supremacy of yamato race, and nazis were just a partner in charge of the west. the swastikas on our maps are buddhist temples.

i know. you are right

that's why there is tons of historical evidence and 'reason' towards the decision of your attack on pearl harbour; you were buttmad because your retarded countrymen invaded China and wondered America stopped selling you oil and other material for committing war-crimes
the embargo was the equivalent of taking away a cookie jar from a child and the child violently kicking the parents in an autistic fury, and then the parents sort em out by beating the living shit out of the child
don't expect much from their nation when it comes to safety, they secretly wish they die in an accident every day

t. gook
You want to cash on those reparations and get jaw slimming surgery, kim?

die kim you dont belong in japan
kim is slave in japan www
99.999% o kpop is same ideal face you know that right kim?

lol, kimchi is mad. How about dont commit crime in Japan, gook?
comfort women not real!

fuck you kim lol prostitute in california sex offender also stupid chon
korean is beggar and nigger of asia, didnt you know that kim?

Are we really friends, France?

They are obsessed with being western

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American was our goal.

But it's not anymore.

they are better than the west though

then why do they have to copy everything western?

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t. kim

shut the fuck up kim
go back to your shit plastic country lol
stupid kim

you imitated the anti-korea mad jap autist perfectly

Disney copied Kimba too.

hi, kim! how are you enjoying your holiday in korea?
go back to you slum country dumb slave ha ha ha

i understand
you are kim

imagine regularly being in this kind of thread

t. kim possible

best ally

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Ja, mein lieben brüder

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>dark green
But why

Dios aprieta pero no ahorca

>committing war-crimes
your cunt killed most civilians since ww2

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we love and respect japan

I can't tell people are being ironic or unironic on Jow Forums in general anymore

At this point I carry /b/'s disclaimer in my back pocket when browsing Jow Forums. That, and my attempt to use good judgement and Google.

because they know they're right

It always starts ironically but it attracts crazy people and who start posting unironically.

Because Empire of Japan is only Axis country that didn't dissolve or occupied after WW2
Fuck, Hirohito was emperor for many years to come!

Japan was literally occupied by the us in the post-war time
basically everything that matters was decided by them

>Empire of Japan is only Axis country that didn't dissolve or occupied after WW2
the state of Azerbaijan education...

Empire of Japan didn't dissolve
Its still empire
Yes they lost sphere but Empire is still there

>The official Japanese-language name is Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku (日本国), literally "State of Japan". From the Meiji Restoration until the end of World War II, the full title of Japan was the "Empire of Greater Japan" (大日本帝國 Dai Nippon Teikoku)

its not, having an emperor doesn't mean you're an empire, if thats the case then we used to be a fucking empire too

Mexico has always respected Japan and has had good diplomatic relations, except in WW2.
If i recall, Mexico was the first western nation to establish Japan's first equal treaty of commerce and Navigation.
Also, Mexico gifted Japan the very first Clock that Japan had seen, although at that time we were named "New Spain"