Mon Empereur

Mon Empereur

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Gilets jaunis have decided that he was no good because he's not able to grow cash on trees.

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based and JVPITERpilled

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Is that Daniel Conversano in the middle lmao

Best President we've had in the last 15 years ( Hollande - Sarko - Chriac II)/
Make of that information whatever you will but it's unironically true.

He's better than Mitterrand also

Emmanuel "XOF" Macron

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It's obviously true, but French people are too stupid to understand that running a country with a long term vision is better than parachuting a pile of cash short term.

>French people are too stupid
*the gilets jaunes
Wouldn't be surprised if LREM won a majority at the European elections.

French people - a sizeable portion of them - still genuinely believe in the delusion that we can get out of capitalism while retaining our power status or that liberalism/capitalism is inherently evil.
They refuse to let go of the lefty ideologies that died along the USSR in 1989 and the XXth century.
Quitting capitalism or going bankrupt because of an excess of socialism would send us back to being AFrica-tier of relevancy and would simply led to France being eaten up by a bigger, more aggressively capitalist economy like, hmmm, China perhaps ?
Gilets Jaunes and anti-system people are a plague of this country, they want us to fail, literally.

Macron manlet

good post, the gilets jaunes movement should be violently repressed

Finally some good sense among French Jow Forums posters

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I just want to sleep and never wake up.

stop speaking english

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I'm seriously wondering why Jupiter didn't send the army when those idiots started looting shops and burning cars

He played the clock, which I think is usually the best strategy for social protests in France.

I would kill for JVPITER.

I guess. What's the perception of the jilet jaunes between common people?

You will.

>It would look terrible both in national and international news and politics
>That's just what they crave, people to die as martyrs (not them though, someone else) for the cause.

Low IQs all support them.

Defend pensions not following inflation.

I've always been vocal about my non-hatred towards him, but the reactions it got me led to me avoiding /fr/ like the plague.
These people have the political deepness of a Facebook or Youtube comment section.

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tg pd

Well gilets jaunes are beating up people for not honking when they block the roads, so it's not surprising. They think they represent all of us, they're in for a surprise.

And here is a seething gilet jaune