Is there anybody who constantly gets women attention...

Is there anybody who constantly gets women attention, but too fucking coward to make any move towards and reciprocate it?
How to fix this?

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I do. That's pretty normal for russia I think.
I don't make any moves either. Russian women and women in general are dumb and I don't want to deal with that shit in my life.

yeah then i put on 15kg drinking which made me not a blithering retard socially, but too late

I did until i was virgin, then you become more natural

I get female attention, but I always think less of anyone that likes me. I don't really have anything to offer a prospective mate and wouldn't want to subject anyone to being with me.


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This is a chad voard now. Deal with it. You virgin freaks belong to Jow Forums or to your containment generals

in high school 3 pretty girls were into me, but i didn't anything cuz playing dota and watching porn was more interesting

Based Rusek

if not this board or Internet you would be chad, because what to do at home without Internet


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Ask them out when you see the opportunity, it's scary at first but I havent gotten any trouble doing it again after that, it's just a glass ceiling you have to break. Women rarely ask you out, they often send signals or give you the opportunity to make a move.
for example:
a girl i went to the theatre with was suddenly talking to me about a movie she really wanted to see, and she did when we were alone (she brought some friends with her at the time). It was a movie about a subject she knew I would like too, and she gave me a ceirtain look while she was talking to me about it. when I asked if she wanted to go to that movie with me, I could see her eyes light up and she smiled. It's still not a 100% guarantee that shes into me, but it's a good way to get to know her better and try to flirt a bit when im going to see said movie with her. It's not rocket science, just ask people to do activities with you when you see an opening.

>girls always give me attention but I’m too retarded to make a move
Ye sure that happened

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Yes. I don't know. Back when I drank and did drugs it worked out fine. Now that I'm sober I just get confused. At least these days I can usually figure out in the moment when a girl is hitting on me.

iktf. eventually you either have to take a step forward, no matter how small it is, or you can be like me and just luck into losing your vcard and having that make you more confident

Only chads can randomly talk and persuade a girl to hanging out within a short period of time.

It's common to me to cross with a attractive female at street and don't have time or favorable psychological environment to talk to her.

i can read cues, i just scared to do anything, the only times i did it was successful, but i feel uncomfortable anyway and wanted to get away

Yeah. Which confuses me because I am ugly and very attractive girls hit on me before. I just act asexual to avoid conversations

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the only one who's holding you back is you I guess. It'll get less uncomfortable the more you do it. Idk if you have autism but that's definitely what made me uncomfortable in intimate social activities at first.

you need more testosterone

That guy is not ugly.