Boobs > Ass

Boobs > Ass

By far

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thighs > ass > tiddy

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>t. low T "man"

I’m high T very hairy

I agree. Butts are overrated. Milkies are perfect.

Based and Truthpilled

Hips beats all. That curve...

Men who prefer ass and like to partake in ass play are repulsive sodomites. These people also probably think there's nothing wrong with putting your dick in the poop hole.


kys homofaggot

i judge women entirely off their assholes

>he doesn't find this extremely attractive

Attached: tummy.jpg (602x397, 55K)

I just want to want her pussy , not her tummy

To lick*

>Not big boobs, thighs and butts
Homosexual or low t. confirmed

Face >

Face > legs > [power gap] ass > tits > any other body part > fe*t

face > hands > thighs > ass > feet > boobs

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boobs > ass

are you all gay faggots. boobs are so beautiful

Man of taste


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also fuck macron

No part of body arouses me if I can’t know what her face looks like.

boobs are boobs. they always look like boobs. everyone likes boobs but they do not take priority.

mabye the muslims are right, it doesn't seem like it should be right for girls to show their entire legs but they can and do and its great

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Functioning Kidneys > Good blood sugar levels > >2.80 g/cm2 of bone density

For me, it's big ass small tits

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based 80 y/o boomer

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Highly intelligent post

I was hoping to see some blueboards naked titties in this thread, because it is hotter to see in blueboards, disappoint :( but i understand, i was banned for a week a couple weeks ago for posting a picture of a boob being used as the head through a cardboard cut out of a cute lil anime character that has a giant eyeball head. There wasnt anything sexual about, but a female nipple was visible so i got banned, it was even in a hilo gen thread where the op pic was a woman with basically see through clothing x.x pretty silly considering how this board is just vile racism and hate spewing and often times dead bodies/gore gets posted and stays up for hours. Damn janny boned me hard.. the girl has a pretty amazing nipple too, shame i cant post it

god tier taste dmitri

I can't control my urge to feel her heartbeats trough my penis.

t. underage
sort yourself out la

The ass is literally where crap comes out of. End of story.

So ass > tits

Attached: janniesout.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Reminder that you're literally a faggot if you prefer ass over tits.

The mouth is where vomit comes from, the pussy is where blood comes from. Every part of the body is disgusting in some way.

tummy > rest of the body

i'd probably dislike ass too if nobody in my country wiped after they shit

pajeet tier thread but based nonetheless

>because it is hotter to see in blueboards, disappoint
You do realize you can just switch the layout to Yotsuba B, right?

>t. KipTeiTei

ass > tits

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Is that why americans prefer ass over tits? because they're used to people withy shitty ass and it doesn't affect them?

No way jose. I am outraged... and just serving a warning

They evolved to be more accustomed to it

I see we have man of good taste

I like female pubic_hair


one more thing i have in common with germans