Obama finna said it

Obama finna said it

Attached: q.jpg (750x1051, 361K)

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Since when is obama alt right
And i voted for him...

>wtf Obama was BASED all along!?

Heil Obama

based black man

Obama a fascist

it doesn't take much to please you guys, huh

Attached: CPHWLpoWEAAcxfL.jpg (600x801, 89K)

Based half white half black man

You tell em btumbo

It doesn't take much to trigger you. All I said was he finna done said it

Didn't he said that we should restrict our immigration a while back?

What's happening?

Attached: hillary anti-immigration.jpg (928x784, 76K)


it's almost like Trump is radical and Obama and Clinton are moderates

based. there are poor people in the US we should take care of first

t. liberal

immigration is a neo-liberal thing anyway
legitimately leftwing like corbyn and bernie sanders aren't for that shit
Even here the conservative party which uses boat people as one of its main points ups immigration and especially temporary workers which nothing but undercutting wages

trump is far from anti immigration, he boasts over record high legal immigration levels, he is just a retarded boomer who thinks that there is somehow a difference between illegal and legal immigration in terms of the effect it has on the country


Attached: 1541259021494.jpg (264x191, 6K)

What kind of psychosis is needed to unironically think that these politicians supposedly wouldn't know exactly what they are doing?

Attached: Donald Trump.png (500x609, 108K)


the 'everyone left of Pinochet loves immigrants' was always a Jow Forums strawman to make gullible people identify with far-right politics

Friendly reminder that Obama deported more illegals than Bush and Drumpf

Thanks Obama.

I'm a left-winger and I consider the open borders crowd a bunch of deluded idiots

>"There is some truth to mr Trump's remarks about the state of the mainstream media, we are being fed an agenda, one left unchallenged as those who speak out against it are put down as racist, sexist or whatever word is in favor at the time. The fact of the matter is, topics like immigration have good points on both sides and silencing one side is not beneficial for our society."
How can one man be so based?

Attached: lead_720_405.jpg (720x405, 39K)

you know we can see the video pic and title right?

Non phoneposters are the cancer that's killing Jow Forums


Dumb nig...

Wait, he's right.

Not really. Mainstream leftists in europe really love le immigration meme