

Attached: gene.png (572x344, 16K)

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Based Asians

Unironically based

Based chinks thinking about how to improve the species

The Asian Century begins in earnest...

Attached: xi jinping laughing.jpg (3000x3000, 490K)

Absolutely based and redpilled Asians

The more k-selected, the least you want to invest in maladaptive offspring.


These racial proportions are skewed

Iceland already does it to eliminate Downs, I don't understand why it would be so bad to eradicate negative traits which are harmful to human existence. People with downs hardly even have a fertility outlook.

it's a shame all the low iq Jow Forumscels on here weren't aborted

but user, consider this: my feelings

I once saw a down syndrome family on the train station. I dont know how the dad got laid but it was quite sad seeing them.

muh buy bull

that would imply that wh*tes are the least k-selected, since they have the lowest abortion rates and are making laws that ban abortion on fetuses with genetic defects

>Iceland already does it to eliminate Downs
luckily christcucks have succeeded in banning abortion among fetuses diagnosed with genetic defects.

in tard homes the tards are always trying to hump each other, their hormones are not affected by the tard

Sometimes I wish I were aborted. When my mum and I would argue in my teenage years, she often called me a mistake and that she should have aborted. Maybe if she was Asian, I would have been aborted instead of having to deal with these fucking awful genes day in, day out. No way I'm going to even try and pass them onto some poor bastard kid, no one deserves that.

>Iceland already does it to eliminate Downs
Is Downs Syndrome one of those retardations the doctors can diagnose before the baby is born? I reckon allowing a kid to come into this world with shitty maladaptive genes should be considered child abuse to the highest degree, if the mother is made aware of the condition prior to coming to term, and that the mother should be sterilised if given the option to abort and refuses.

Someone post the comic...

At one of the high schools I went to, on the very first day there the retarded kid took off his pants and smeared shit on the walls of one of the classroom hallways.
Looked like a downie but no idea what his deal really was, aside from having a care taker that was always running around trying to catch up with him. Agile little bastard, he was.

Most abortions are not a result of genetic defects, so the low abortion rate supports k-selection for whites. low abortion rate plus high abortion rate for genetic defects would be a k-selected strategy.

isn't that just what all australians do since most aussies are low iq white nationalist retards who hate muslims for no reason?

but most abortions are done by low income/ unhealthy women. Which suggests that wh*tes are currently pursuing a dysgenic, r-selected breeding pattern.

Attached: abortion rates.png (2100x2100, 291K)

>Is Downs Syndrome one of those retardations the doctors can diagnose before the baby is born?

>not aborting genetic defectives

Seriously, who the fuck are the people saying "no" to abortion in this case?

Attached: Fat frog.png (800x600, 70K)

Please you know the others are low because of muh-Jesus all life is precious, the Asian "no" respondents are probably heavily represented by flips. A more interesting question would be, would they still do it knowing theyd never get another child?

Holier than thou social media influencers

No, it implies that less whites don't lack the impulse control necessary to use protection and contraception for sex, and have high enough IQ to plan their pregnancies in a way that they don't need to get abortions in the first place.

low abortion rate is a side-effect of a k-selected strategy, rather than being part of it.

I blame catoholics in Latin America

The mom's of the of people who browse this site

>isn't that just what all australians do
>since most aussies are low iq white nationalist retards
They are a loud fringe minority, thankfully.

you keep coming up with bs excuses

Asians are soulless hive mind insects


Eugenics is the future

Attached: 3ADCAD02-1907-46D7-B7C3-8B98887E7902.jpg (800x513, 84K)

But Christianity is dead in the west so you can drop the whole soul soulless debate

>ow abortion rate is a side-effect of a k-selected strategy,
on the contrary, east asian countries have some the highest abortion rates in the world.
Wh*tes on the other hand are trying to ban abortions on genetic defects and using gene modifications in embryos.

>have high enough IQ to plan their pregnancies in a way that they don't need
wh*te countries also some of the highest out-wedlock births in the world. Only african countries are slightly higher than them.

Attached: out of wedlock births OECD.jpg (934x1200, 190K)

t.genetic defect

Am I noticing a trend here?

the high abortion rate in east asia is the result of sex-specific abortions because of the emphasis put on male children in their cultures. It's a different context. To compare apples to apples, you have to look at the abortion rates of Asian-Americans vs white Americans.

wtf I love Asian immigration now. Keep them doors open.

It's extraordinarily cruel to force a being into the world with severe genetic defeats. Both for you and the child. Not to mention the state that has to pay for it. Just try again, it has the sapience of a plant at that point.


looks like its from audacious epigone

>look at the abortion rates of Asian-Americans vs white Americans.
see whites still have very high out-of wedlock births, because they are increasingly choosing a r-selecting breeding pattern.

i saw a downy today
he waved at me and we high fived
he looked happy because of this
he was high fiving everyone

That's because he escaped his wrangler and was celebrating his newfound freedom.

Downies are really horny yeah. My aunt adopted a little girl with downs, cute kid, my aunt is an angel for giving he a nice life, but she lets her get away with anything, my downs cousin is now 15 and i visited their house 5 months ago and she kept flashing her tits at me o.0 my aunt just laughs and tells her to stop but doesnt really stop her from striping beyond that. All day she is giving me the weirdest boners because i love tits and hers are the only ones ive seen irl but somethibg abiut disturbs me.

i wish i could be as hapy as downies :(

>That's because he escaped his wrangler and was celebrating his newfound freedom.
Maybe, I even took a picture of him

Attached: bddPhf6_d.jpg (640x640, 33K)

based eastern europe

Doesn’t her face turn you off with those weird eyes and flat nose?

Fuck I hate when I have to interact with downys in public
I remember I used to work in a grocery store as a teen, and I was bagging groceries so I was looking down, then I heard the most terrifying screams and yelps, I look up there are like 7 tards with their tard wrangler. 3 of them came up to me and started talking to me and I had to nope out of there, just left my cashier to bag all the shit

fuck I wish I was aborted

Based asians putting evolution on overgear. No wonder they're taking over.

Attached: Ot5HWGnC4UY.jpg (450x266, 36K)

>barely any change in japan and south korea since 1995
>massive increase in every other country

Abortion advocation started out as a eugenics front. The founder of planned parenthood said blacks were inferior. Makes sense it would be targeted at minorities

what is wrangler supposed to mean in this context?
i dont interact with downies that often

Jewry has no power in asian cunnies.

The normal person who takes them out

he looks like an average latino lmao

>17 yo
the good always dies young

Do Koreans find it odd that we have tv shows dedicated to retards who get pregnant at 16?

This pic only proves that blacks have the most soul.

i was about to say that as well. but i didnt want to be too mean towards downies

Not much. But if by “retards” you meant literally then yes.

Tard wrangler. Slang for their handlers who keep them under control when they start going crazy.

t. the only circumcisced Yellow country

desu, they do pretty well in asia/singapore, i think a significant number actually hold down jobs.

as for why asians and the 71% thing, i think it's due to how 'genetic defects' are perceived, in india this is a very serious problem due to pollution, and in china it's still a concern in the northern areas where alot of the pollution resides.

also probably because abrahamic religions don't really have as much influence here i guess

>*great depression sets in and 30% of the population becomes a burden to the United States*
bases eugenicists

Attached: great depression.jpg (800x1040, 146K)

>also probably because abrahamic religions don't really have as much influence
No. only christcucks care about abortions. In fact they're the ONLY ones who specifically banned abortions on fetuses with abnormalities.

Do you sell your dick cheese in vendors?

jews and muslims are very much against it

in asia muslims and christians ironically do work together when such issues come around, iirc both supported the continuation of 377a when it was brought up

If we're going to start openly genociding people I suggest we start with Freemasons, Jews, and Commies, in that order.

>jews and muslims
no only christcucks believe that life begins at conception. Iirc some muslims are against abortion after a certain period of gestation.

"commies" are literally the only people involved in politics who don't want to fuck you over, retard.

One of my buddies knocked a girl up and she won't have an abortion. They're both poor students and her family is also not very well off. She's actually ruining multiple people's lives by keeping it.

But the reason for that isnt religious at all. Circumcision is the easiest way for urologists to earn profits so they literally scammed us into believing everyone is developed country does it for hygiene.

You do it because America does it

No Muhammad muslims don't abort no matter how retarded the baby is gonna end up being.

Then why arent we having school shootings and drug epidemic?

Based Turks are the most trad Europeans. Truly a superior people that must be emulated

Attached: kara_boga.png (397x402, 319K)

blacks most likely didn't even understand the question

>tfw im regarded as smart but born with ADHD-PI

No health benefits lmao if there were your country would jump straight into it

They'd just see the fucked up kid as extra government cheese anyway.