I'm so lonely and unhappy

i'm so lonely and unhappy

Attached: sadpepe.jpg (1200x800, 110K)

user, procure ajuda. Toda vida tem sentido, mesmo aquelas com o maior sofrimento. Busque os ensinamentos do Viktor Frankl.

but you live in paradise?

Attached: T6+DP_1.jpg (500x720, 225K)

Look at this image and tell me that it doesn't cheer you up

Attached: Screenshot_20190317-005556.png (720x1440, 1.33M)

I wonder if someone actually bought that, maybe without knowing what the drawing represents

Attached: paradise2.png (644x172, 14K)

Can someone explain me this meme?

Attached: paradise1.png (1324x277, 32K)

Westerners who live in constantly cold and and rainy environments see south american tropical places as heavenly