Japan's crown prince literally looks like a fat guy you'd see working at a grocery store

Japan's crown prince literally looks like a fat guy you'd see working at a grocery store.

Attached: Crown_Prince_Naruhito_(2018).jpg (687x938, 214K)

t. fat guy working at a grocery store

and it's good

He's going to look like an ABSOLUTE UNIT 731 once he wears this on May 1.

Attached: Emperor_Akihito_199011_1.jpg (485x620, 47K)

I really admire how the Japanese nobility really looks like your average Satou.

he's still too young

Japan apparently refuses to change the law to allow the crown prince's daughter to inherit, and says his nephew is the next in line.

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it could have changed if there's no boy

Good for him having billion of body double


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He looks vaguely like Kim Jong Un.
Am i the only one who sees it?
Is this part of his master plan to conquer Japan?

Explain the hat, please.

>He looks vaguely like Kim Jong Un
no asians would say that

>look like an ABSOLUTE UNIT 731

Why he has yellow teeth?

Even if Jap blood is teeming with Kor blood, and vice versa, anyone with depth perception would NOT see the resemblance. You may need to actually squint your eyes for this one.

japs are the brits of asia

asian thin teeth look yellow

fuck japan and fuck tojos


>Crown prince Naruto
Why are Japanese such weebs?


Attached: 1527459158050.jpg (480x300, 16K)

And you racist, sexist American bigots refused to elect Madame President Hillary Clinton instead of cheeto hitler, so shut your mouth sweetie!

it's naruhito.

naruto's zainichi cousin.

Even the crown prince is zainichi now LMAO

Attached: karina.jpg (1000x1141, 484K)

isn't hito means "man"?
so naruto-man?
hirohito= hiro-man
