Brazilian bvll

brazilian bvll

Attached: brv.jpg (798x631, 114K)

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>incredibly handsome
what? he looks pretty average to me


Minus murderer. So pretty sub par, desu.

He’s not incredibly handsome, but he’s definitely above average. But you don’t normally expect a murderer to be that in the first place.

He might not be supremely Chad tier handsome but for a serial killer and a Brazilian he is definitely handsome. He is an incel also.

Attached: serial-killer.jpg (620x560, 51K)

>this is a 9/10 in brazil
I'm so getting the fuck out of here before my 20s to enjoy top european twink ass

ok he is less handsome in this pic

>He is an incel also.

Good news, he is not an incel anymore, he married this qt.

Attached: ae9fd47aa4141ca462ee28d770ca69f0.jpg (1000x620, 304K)

>kill 39 people
>only get 25 years

this is considered white in brazil
i am white

Based, what country?

No you're not Mehmet

no Mustafa, you aren't white

Feels good, man

Attached: Serial killers.png (1134x716, 117K)

He's hot

Build the fucking wall

>Dayna Evans
Typical female journalism.
>he cute


he's slightly above average, but I see way hotter men just by walking down the street

I thought brazilians were supposed to be hot. Disappointing

hes a 6.5/10 so i guess thats above average but hes very far from incredibly handsome

this, even dahmer was more handsome. i thought brazillians were supposed to be hot

Attached: dahmer.jpg (900x600, 178K)

An American girl wrote "incredibly handsome" , not us.

Plus for the region where he lived, Goiânia, he is like 9/10, Brazilians tend to be very ugly in those regions, in fact anything above São Paulo is filled with uggos, it's São Paulo and below São Paulo where good looking Brazilians live thanks to Italian and German immigration.

Not really.

This headline is fake

journalist just bait ppl

ppl fall for this

i didnt say you did, im just saying whoever said that is a retard

>I thought brazilians were supposed to be hot
race mixing produce criaturas only. How do you guys don't get this?

Attached: 4437026.gif (300x351, 69K)

>i thought brazillians were supposed to be hot

Who invented this meme?

Attached: 1549913027967.png (1000x1165, 1.75M)

women fetishize serial killers, its really weird and I dont know how or why but they do, even a 5/10 incel like ted bundy becomes a 10/10 demigod

its a meme with you guys, for some reason everyone thinks brazilians are supposed to be hot. look up any "hottest countries" list and brazil will be there.

thats how every Jow Forumscel macaco looks like
good thing i left this shithole before it crashes

they’re silly

Attached: 44724EBF-BA2A-43C1-85C3-4E6F50BFC6CF.jpg (688x918, 65K)


women tend to seek out sociopathic men, it's a primitive thing.

He and I look strangely similar. Does that mean I have to commit murder for women to notice me and want my dick?

Fuck I just thought about that guy
Now I’m sad :(