Screw America, we stand with China

They bring investments into this country. They build infrastructure. They're even paying for the train line between Budapest and Belgrade.
Our towns they touched are flourishing thanks to them

The age of the dragon is now.

Attached: das right.jpg (1005x646, 233K)

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Yes, great idea, just let them quietly take over your entire country


Attached: 3a3.png (680x697, 179K)

based hungarians

Can someone explain why I'm supposed to give a shit about huawei? The Chinese spying on me has absolutely no effect on my life whatsoever, I can't say the same for crapple or microshit.

it's literally just USA being scared about losing their hold on the market

Have fun being added to their sexdoll collection.

I can't wait for Trump to now say that Orban was secretly Hitler.
