i just ate pasta Carbonara that has left outside for for 15 hours
I just ate pasta Carbonara that has left outside for for 15 hours
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"Det vissa slänger, äter grisen"
That dish doesnt have meat in it right? What was the temp outside? Ive got a great american cast iron stomach and i can get away with eating some risky things. Never had real food poisoning, diarrhea sometimes but i dont mind that too much
had chicken and bacon
I ate it 2 hours ago i am immortal
Sounds like traditional Nordic cuisine to me
When I moved to Europe I was surprised how people leave food out for longer than I would personally deem safe.
absolute madman
where did you move from
Sometimes it gives food that certain crunch
I believe you 100%
stop living in high HDI cunts
Met my gf in Australia 4.5yr ago. Her visa finished and had to come back to Denmark so I quit my job and moved here 3yrs ago. It was difficult getting a visa but I have it now.
Just look in your crystal ball and you find the truth. Do you really think I am lying about being from Australia?
how do you like it and where do you live
Haha making the decision to move half way across the world was made a little easier knowing I was coming to Denmark and not Bosnia or something.
Jeg bor på Amager.
See, I am integrating!
Oh and yes. Very happy here. Just need a better job and it would be fantastic. The kommune is working on that, I’ve enrolled in a mentor program where they pay for someone from my industry to give me some guidance.
Good luck with your kidney getting shut down
what's the equivalent of "cunt" in Danish? What does Danish in an aussie accent sounds like?
Kusse = cunt but it’s not used the same way.
They rarely understand me haha
To elaborate. Danish has many accents for a little country. Bonholm, Copenhagen, Jutland South and north and probably a bunch of others. But throw and Aussie in misprouncing danish and i just get ...what? Hvad?
I can understand a chinaman obliterate my language with the gramma inside out and get by. Danes are not as used to hearing non natives speak their language. Plus they speak English extremely well so that ends up being the primary form of communication for me.
Mmm. Nice
At least it wasn't outside for 15 hours.
>danish in Aussie accent
A terrifying thought
I often eat dishes that I cooked day ago without refrigerating and nothing ever happened to me
Golden rule: if it looks good, smells good and tastes good, it’s 99% likely good to eat
it's fine if it's not above 15-18°C in your home
my kitchen is cold so i can leave it there for a day
>d*nish in an aussie accent
That's just d*nish.