You are cunte

>you are cunte
>how is the show "Family guy" called
>is it popular

Eat a Lee
I Griffin

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"padre de familia" (family father)

This is now a chubby thread

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Did you know that Latin Americans change the name of the Amerifat characters in the dubbing?

Bruce Wayne is called Bruno Diaz there. Lucas Skywalker is called Lucas Trotacielos and Homer is called Homero.

I guess Peter Griffin is called Pedro Grifo or something like that.

>you are cunte
whole land
>how is the show "Family guy" called
family guy
>is it popular
no. just neckbeards and 12 year olds

Attached: 1546297827684.jpg (1200x1200, 244K)

It's called Family guy.

it’s popular among teenagers here

this is why they're delicious

>Homer is called Homero.
But that's literally homer's name in spanish.

It's called Griffini

In Brazil they don't change. It's a thing in Hispanoamerica then

Joder, Jomer.

Family Guy

>Lucas Skywalker

Error de imprenta. I mean Luke.

Literally family guy.

Was this scene banned there?

"Šeimos bičas"

Never seen that episode and don't see why it would be banned. And that's Brazilian. It's just comedy. I do remember the episode of the Portuguese fisherman when Lois thought Peter died in the sea storm.

>And that's Brazilian

It's not real portuguese, that's for sure

>And that's Brazilian


There is no monkey in the scene.

we don't say "a gente é ótimA" when it's two males.
also this

what even is the difference between portuguese and brazilians besides a different flag

Do you mean the language or the faces?

"Famirii gai"
Not so much

its called
Uma Senpaiília da Pesada
stupid name but mostly movie translations are really stupid generic names anyway
not much popular but its there on like 1 channel

Attached: Portuguese woman with her Brazilian friend.png (657x918, 37K)

Shit meme, Portugal is blacked.

the cultural aspect. There were efforts to unify the written language, but its complete bullshit since it is spoken somewhat differently.