Where should I migrate to?

I am seriously considering leaving Israel indefinitely. It is lost to the religious nutjobs and the shitskin North African jews. I think I will be picking between Germany or Sweden. I eventually would want a countryside home and I want to live in a country with a Germanic language and West European culture. Canada is an option too but I heard they have shit internet and public transportation. The rest of the Anglosphere are not an option.

Attached: Flag-Pins-Germany-Sweden.jpg (400x320, 63K)

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Stay in Israel.

Shahar is that you?

No juice in Europe pliz.
Go to China or Africa.

why can't all juice just stay in israel

Sweden, we need more Jews

Jews are not safe in Sweden anymore, we actually have many of them fleeing the country right now. I don't know how Germany is but Jews are probably safer there


Lol, user is mad cuz Bibi won.
Stay in Israel and pay taxes for him.

Attached: 1549013905491.jpg (634x457, 50K)

No, we have too many antisemitc goat fuckers and white trash here. It's better for him to go to the US.

I think Finland is his best choice at the moment