New Zealand Burger King under fire for "Asian Burger" ad

>New Zealand Burger King under fire for "Asian Burger" ad

wtf I hate New Zealand now

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what's the problem?

Russian bk just shitpost all day. But I heard people were offended by something too

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>ignore other cultures
>acknowledge other cultures
I can't take this clown world anymore.

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What the fuck has happened to New Zealand in the past 40 days?

Why whiteys love to virtue sognal ?

well i mean new zealand (and australia) are asian countries js

Going "DOHHHHH DESE STICK UTENSILS ARE SO CUHRAAAAAAAZYYYYYYY AMIRITE?!?!?" isn't acknowledging other cultures you utter imbecile.

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NZ beats us and Sweden combined and has the crown and become the Cuck King

t. Kevin Zhang

Is this another case of another enlightened one without a brain making a literally who post on the internet?

is their something wrong with trying the novelty of sticks when we are used to efficient implements? the fun of chop sticks is their difficulty of use

>Literal fucking nobody gets upset at an ad on social media
>Company, in a knee-jerk reaction, apologizes and pulls the ad trying to appease people that would never had bought their product anyway, costing them millions in wasted advert money

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Is there a lot of ice over there?

No, you're thinking of Greenland

Imagine being this buttmad at wypipo

Why are they under fire? I do t get it.

Big chop sticks == Racist against Asians

Ah yes traditional Vietnamese cuisine like Sweet Chili Tendercrisp™ Burgers

Kys, Zhang. I bet you got angry when you saw that picture of that American girling wearing a "Chinese" dress.

>Kys, Zhang. I bet you got angry when you saw that picture of that American girling wearing a "Chinese" dress.

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Wtf. I don't get how they came to that conclusion. Are Vietnamese racist because they eat with chopsticks since Asians eat with chopsticks? I'm pretty sure you can find instances where giant chopsticks are involved in Asian TV.

Its like they don't understand that it's supposed to be bizarre. Is this why the left can't meme? Seriously.

Sho, sho, sho. Get out of here, Chink insect.

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>Sho, sho, sho. Get out of here, Chink insect.

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>dat pic