Your cunt

>your cunt
>when was the last time you cried?
>What was the cause?

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4 years ago
My grandad died. Still member lifting his body and putting him inside the grave.

I was running around collecting funeral moneys at my grandpa's funeral

>Few days ago
>An anime character i really like died

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I wish I knew
I feel like I don't care about anything

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Cutting onions

like a month or two ago because my cat died
she'd been with our family for over 10 years :(

Cutting onions also

character died in the book im reading

Why would you cry about an animal

About a month ago, I was watching a documentary named Senna, I cried at the end

an hour ago.
a sum of dislike of my country and it's people, my ugliness and loneliness

10minutes ago
i'm depressed

I was a kid, I don't remember

10 days ago
cried laughing at a scrubs episode I re-watched, was the one where Turk shows JD their college prospectus and he's on it twice.

Last week

Kushina's flashback scene

8 years ago
My Dad's funeral

When Sheikh got v&
Genuine tears of laughter

El Flaggo
4th of February this year.
My parakeet which i had since 20 years ago fled. Couldn't go look for him because gang shithole where people get murdered for walking the street.

Mother died

In January
Because I didn't save my work and it deleted
I pressed ctrl+S but the hotkeys were different for some reason

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Over a year ago
A woman I used to like

Yesterday I cried imagining a poor little crippled boy who is just $70 short of a walker...."oh when, oh when, will someone donate 2 large screen monitors to the Burr Ridge electronics recycling collection site so I can finally have my walker?"

Not even joking you this imaginary story makes me cry even now to think of it. Don't worry, I walk in with my two (2) large screen monitors to be e-recycled and the kid can afford his walker after all. Just in time for Easter luncheon with grandma! His smile is so big. What a beautiful scene

>last week
>I watched "the green mile"

You're good guy

I cried when Naruto meet his parents and when Might Duy used 8 gates.

Half an hour ago
Tears from laughing so hard

Can't remember why


3 days ago
got HIV

I remembered that I'm a 21 yr old virgin with no life
Cried a month ago
Vidyacoping rn

4 months ago
I got pepper sprayed in the face.

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bout 6 months ago. I was in the car and just started crying for no real reason. Was pretty depressed at the time and had been for a couple years. It's a lot better now though.

Its illegal in state of illinois to throw away old electronics. I have to take them to an e-recycle center 20 mins away, open 7am to 3pm M-F (ayyy lmao) and pay $35 per monitor. Proceeds will "benefit the disabled".

Thus I created my heartwarming imaginary story.

Last night before sleeping
I wanna die and hate my life

last friday night

sister of my grandma died

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He has a heart, unlike you

wtf happened

His dad died

my condolences fren

I took benzos after 8 beers and contemplated life

I'm an amerimutt with no friends

i hugged my friend and he went home on the bus. he was sad because hes a fag. i was sad too because hes a fag.

>tfw i can't remember the last time i cried

>your cunt
>when was the last time you cried?
last year
>What was the cause?
wasted life

I was walking in windy weather and the wind made my eyes cry.

10 years ago when my dad died :(
death is gay

There may be some justice in the world after all peter.

You mean your great-aunt

I'm sorry I called a magyar tsigani yesterday

I cry reading and watching shitty tv shows and movies by myself constantly. I cried watching Excalibur the other day.

Can't say I've cried in front of anyone since my preteens

Just now
Tears from laughing at fags in this thread LMAO

>a week ago
>still can't get over a girlfriend that left me in february that fucking sucks

I have depression.

When thinking of how my suicide would affect my family

Life is a piece of shit

I almost cried last night because I was laying in bed and started thinking about how nice it would be to have someone to cuddle with and realized I hadn't had anyone to do it with in like 2 years.

I dont usually cry, since lifelong pain has already hardened me up like a stone.

but I did when my dad died. Why must it end this way?