Tfw born in 1994

>tfw born in 1994
>tfw too old to relate to zoomers but too young to relate to boomers

What am I?

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Why isn't there a millennial culture?

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>eternal debt
>crushing loneliness
peak millenial

There is, its just boomer culture but more buttsad

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Early 00s

I was born in 1987, I'm too well adjusted to relate to 30 year old boomers, and I'm too self-aware to relate to 15 year old zoomers.

Sigh....not easy for special snowflakes like us

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Actually 1994 is quintessential boomer year


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you want millennial culture go to r*ddit and drown yourself in the MSM and unironic nerd culture

>why yes I did play all 3: Yu Gi Oh, Bakugan and Minecraft how did you know?

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hello gramps

t. 1999 "winner"

You're boomer since you're a 90s kid. Welcome to the club.

get off my board old man
t. 1997 zoomer

I was always taught the difference between boomer and zoomer is if you remember 9/11.

Guess it doesn't work as well if you are Brazilian. Whatever the Brazil version of 9/11 is.

>mfw 1998 doomer

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Millennial culture is trying to fit in with zoomers or boomers, failing, and then forcing a new epic meme with no comedic value for the sole purpose of relating to it and being angsty faggots.

Millenials are post Y2K, they don't understand epic jokes like this

90s kids were born in the 80s, or 1990 at the absolute most.

9/11 was a thing in Greece, maybe it was in Brazil too.

>born in 1998
>can only related to 3,5% of people I spend time with
Yes, I did the calculations.

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thank god i'm a zoomer and not a b**mer

can only relate to*

Does this mean you’re a normal zoomer who isn’t autistic and nationalistic like other poles?

Brazil version of 9/11 is everyday life in brazil

same, especially for 3rd worlders like us

I don't confine myself to doctrines and opinions. I'm an egoistic rationalist that goes with whatever benefits him most. I hang out with communists, fascists, ancaps, it's all the same to me. I'm able to entertain their ideas and benefit myself while doing so.

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I have given up.

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