1. your cunt

1. your cunt
2. do you have online friends
3. where are they from

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3.from alot of places but most of them are anime posters who are borderline homosexuals

No. Online friends are not your friends

they are if you go to a meet up

i used to have a saudi friend but we rarely talk now, i don't really talk to anyone at this point

1. Mexico
2. Yes
3. Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Spain, France.

Online friends are legitimately bad for your mental health along with podcasts.

Not if they truly care about your well-being.

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Nothing wrong with nightwalks/drives. I used to deliver newspapers and my shift started at 2am. There's just something comfy about a silent neighborhood when everyone is asleep.

I have temporary e-friends when I play online games but can’t sustain e-lationships after we meet our ranked milestone or whatever.
My rl friend has known his e-friend for like a decade and attended his wedding in the US last year

I quit listening to podcasts about a month ago and I feel like my mental health has improved. I'm definitely a lot less scatter brained. I also quit paying attention to all news and politics.

no my iq is 91
>wears the same two outfits
yes because i am actually too lazy to go shopping lol
>somehow doesnt watch anime
so true

>My rl friend has known his e-friend for like a decade and attended his wedding in the US last year

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stop stalking me

>podcasts are bad
But why?

you a dane or ayaskîmow?

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I don't know if they're necessarily bad, I needed a break from them though. I was constantly listening to something. Quiet time is good for the soul.

1. america
2. yes
3. uk, thailand, india, sweden, argentina, sudan, australia, japan, canada, poland... the list goes on. there are very many countries on Jow Forums

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Oh definitely. I listen to them when I'm doing something boring like cleaning, commuting etc.

Not sure if fellow hwan singanon considers me as his online friend :(

America and one from Australia and another from Israel

They're great for that kind of stuff.

Whoa this is totally me

Except for getting drunk

I can't stand beer's awful taste



I think they can create the same kind of pseudo-friendship that video game streaming creates. I have been listening to one podcast for several years, hundreds of hours of conversation I can hear, but not participate in, and it occurs to me that I know these people like close friends. I hear about their daily trevails and know their senses of humor, I know the names of their dogs and their girlfriends, and yet this is an exclusively one sided relationship. They would never know who I was if they passed on the street. For the truly lonely, these things can simulate closenesss to fellow human beings, but that simulation doesn't make the loner any better off in the long run. It's just a band aid on a major laceration of the soul.