/cum/ + friends

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Other urls found in this thread:


what is this supposed to mean

want to start watching yuri anime but i'm afraid i'll lapse into a month long depression from it


listening to Tupac rn


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Don't do that

guys i bought a paper shredder and i cant stop feeding it

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Found another roommate
Room is also in downtown and rent is 350 (her dad owns the place so it’s cheap)
She said she wants a roommate who can also be her friend
Looked at pictures of her and she’s kinda cute

Loved and lost and all that

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Watch Hidamari Sketch again instead, senpai.


Feed your dick into it.

absolutely unimpressed by the black hole pic

>350 for rent
Where the fuck do you live

honestly, what did you expect?

Literal stripper name

I want to have sex with the president of the united states

you're either a turboboomer or hyperzoomer

isn't that illegal?

it would be adultery and against God's law

If it was then consider ivanka a felon

I spoke two words today

San Jose
Like I said it’s a lonely college girl who lives in a place her dad owns

don't you mean ivana

vocaroo the third. if dubs shout "SKYLER!" at the top of your voice.

Attached: 1524486154128.jpg (703x743, 109K)

>if dubs shout "SKYLER!" at the top of your voice.

>Error: This image cannot be uploaded because it is the subject of a copyright infringement claim. Please refrain from posting it.

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to much hassle, don't have my mic out

keep fantasizing about being a woman

Are u a grill?

just whisper it irl. i'll believe you.

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did wojak get DMCA'd?

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sadly, no

ok. i'm at five now

>sadly, no

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>sadly, no

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Don’t see how that will work outt tbqh

She just wants to be my friend
She even added me on Steam and PSN
I’m gonna move in in two weeks

work is FUCKING killing me lads

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He is a handsome fellow :)

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Goodnight frens (specifically to the native leaf :3)

I lived with just two grills once. Everything was fine beyond the non-qt trying to come into my room in the middle of the night once.

Will try to fuck this girl

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rip wagie


Had some yakisoba

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yawning a lot

face is falling off

dios mio....




will try to wake up early tomorrow to do some yoga

please give me good vibes so i can do it

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wtf i love china now

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I need a gf to motivate me to go to the gym
I don’t want to just work out for myself since I hate myself

Why are you tripfagging again ale

i hate this website more and more by the day yet I can't leave

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Feeling light headed from lifting

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I hope your father snaps tonight and caves your head in with a rock

that's your brain building mass
keep it up

what was four?

>wtf i love china now

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I find it hilarious how vegans/vegetarians are so broadly hated that they've started to change the name to "plant-based diet"

Just like niggers (POCs), retards (intellectually disabled), and pedophiles (minor-attracted person). Waiting patiently for "Plant-Based Diet" to become a dirty word too so they have to change again LOL

I go by ephebophile

are you confused
plant-based diet is for people trying to reverse artery calcification
did you read a poltard post who misread someone else's post claiming that there's a change in veganism?

why do people dislike vegetarians/vegans :(

Seattle is dying.

I said "I love you"

Just finished both seasons of "Log Horizon", lads.

It's a fun anime. The setting/plot, while not the most original, was still interesting. The characters are really well developped for the most part, none of them were too typical or predictable. Same for the plot, it managed to be avoid being too predictable. Sometimes it tried too hard to be light-hearted or funny, but nevertheless the ability to alternate between moods was well done.

The quality of the episodes was generally consistent all throughout, though there certainly were some episodes that felt like filler. Also, a lot of moments genuinely came off as very faggy (sometimes even entire episodes). The whole "gamers RISE UP" theme that was sometimes pushed around didn't help in this regard.

Nevertheless, it was enjoyable to watch. Recommend/10.

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>minor-attracted person
This is a meme pushed by Jow Forums

The fuck is an FWB?

Some people really like bacon.

so some user posted a link to a shemale video and now i feel weird. I did get a boner but I couldn't fap to it

Black Twitter speak for Fat White Bitch (FWB)

>I did get a boner

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>The median sale price for a Renton home is $309,975

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First season is one of my favorite shows of all time, second was pretty garbage the raid scenes were drawn out and the kids weren't interesting enough for how much screen time they got

>couldn't fap to
how come

I know this is anecdotal, but my veganism-obsessed sister works for a veganism-related business, and they have explicitly stated pretty much exactly what I said above. It's a general trend from the industry as well as the media in general.

A significant section of the population loses their minds when a news anchor says people should become vegetarian. Just look at the big Republican legislator freakout when AOC mentioned cutting down on cattle farming and meat in general in her New Deal plan. Saying 'Plant Based Diet' instead has fewer accumulated negative connotations, so it goes over better (for now).

housing market is bound to crash again soon, bad time to buy

It's friend with benefits.

>can't afford a house
i guess you'll be forever renton


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i dont have my flags
i hope so too

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>have to do essay using textbook
>must use quotes from book
>epub file doesnt have page numbers

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Neither do I but your posts are usually pretty obvious.

well shit

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why would someone add their mom to snapchat

maybe, but being confused with that other mexican poster causes me physical pain

Placer, do you go to ARC?


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what movie?
love hateful women