I made some homemade cured meats

I made some homemade cured meats.

Heres cured beef it is so good! Please rate

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Actually that one is cured pork

Here is cured beef

Please rate both of them!

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Breddy gud :DDDD

It looks good but I'd rather give you my meat!

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The yellow color is orange zest.

Nice. How did you cure them. Always wanted to try.

Looks good

I used equilibrium curing its so easy if you vaccuum machine.

Does a grocery bag and vacuum cleaner work?

I mean, at least get some food grade bags

You can literally buy vaccuum machine for 20 euros

also if you want vaccuum machine just use the excess salt method.


Attached: DyLt6enXcAEBpwh.jpg (640x800, 89K)

I have no money. I get everything from the junk yard and recycling room under my flat.


Any one have recommendations as spices for next batch?
I was thinking juniper berries to give it a small Italian feel in to it.

Nutmeg, rosemary

I love cured meats. I have to control myself every time I go in to a shop otherwise I end up buying some.
I finish university forever soon so I might try curing some meat at home.
Is there any way to do it without a vacuum machine? I'm certainly not against buying one, it would just be easier to get started without one.
What cuts of pork did you use?

Tell me please finnfriend how you made these cured meats? They look wonderful

This is the most Balkans picture I have ever seen.

Excess nutmeg method
You've never had anything quite like it.

Beef is 200g of sirloin
and the pork is literally some super cheat pork steaks i found at the super market

I recommend using the equilibrium method with vaccuun machine (20 euros cheap ones)

I'm ready to die, fren

how long does it take?

ah yes, the famous swedish welfare system

>super cheap supermarket pork steaks
Sounds gross, does it taste much better curated?

Woah I just read an article that says you need “prague powder”. My friend worked in a polish sausage factory before and mentioned to me that they use some mysterious czech powder to make sausage. Did you use this?

I have actually hear of Prague Powder in sausages but i dont think you can even get in this country. It's mystery for me too.
To be fair yes! Though i would still use a better piece of pork. This is one actually very bland.
The vaccuum bag phase takes 3-5 days in fridge and the actual curing took about week.

kill all euros

put less of that, FAR LESS of that, whatever it is, that crusty thing on the meat and put salt and a lot of chopped garlic on the meat
Put it all in a container full of water and let it sit for 11 days and 10 nights
Then wash it, dry it with towel and hang it on the smokehouse bars or shelves, whatever it is
Light a fire under it every 7 days and make sure you hang it when the weather is cold, in Finland i suppose that most of the year.
It dries mostly on cold air, not as much as people think on the fire and smoke.
when the weather gets warmer, the meat will start to ''sweat'' which means its time to take it off
never have pieces thicker than 7 cm because it is too thick and the core cant get dried soon as it should, which means it can rot easily.
Dont fall for the Spanish pig leg meme, cut the meat of that leg into nice portions and leave the whole leg thing to the others who have a different climate, its mostly pretentious bullshit for show.
I cant rate the meat because i hadnt tried it, but the texture looks as it should, good job.
Also make sure that you always have the soap bacon as we call it, its just really fat pork belly or even cheeks, with some or none lines of meat in between fat. If it has 2 lines than its called Adidas, because of 3 white stripes.
You will never starve or get sick if you eat that with enough garlic and hard booze like Rakija, even muslims here have to sometimes eat the fully white bacon or soap as we call it because their kids sometimes get weak lungs or veins dont run properly so they eat it in medical purposes only, and works every time.

go graze on seaweed you fucking chink

You seem to take cured meats very cpersonally.

Looks good m8